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No Issue In Relations Between Armenia And Georgia Should Give Cause

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  • No Issue In Relations Between Armenia And Georgia Should Give Cause


    Noyan Tapan
    Dec 9, 2008

    TBILISI, DECEMBER 9, NOYAN TAPAN. The governmental delegation headed
    by the RA prime minister Tigran Sargsyan on December 9 left for
    the Georgian capital city of Tbilisi for a one-day working visit
    in order to take part in the 7th sitting of the Armenian-Georgian
    intergovernmental commission for economic cooperation.

    According to the RA Government Information and PR Department, prior
    to the sitting T. Sargsyan had a tete-a-tete talk with the Georgian
    prime minister Grigol Mgaloblishvili.

    Then the prime ministers of the two countries met with the working
    group of the intergovernmental commission and participated in the
    regular sitting of the commission, during which the sides discussed
    the implementation process of the decisions taken at the previous
    sitting held on October 15, 2007, issues related to the current state
    and development prospects of the legal and contractual basis between
    the sides, the long-term directions of developing the trade and
    economic cooperation, as well as issues of cooperation in transport,
    agriculture, energy, health care and social security, education and
    culture, environmental protection, and tourism. The demarcation process
    of the state border between Armenia and Georgia was also discussed.

    The prime ministers of two countries said that the good-neighbourly
    relations between Armenia and Georgia are developing successfully. They
    expressed a hope that the 7th sitting of the intergovernmental
    commission will become an additional stimulus for deepening and
    extending these relations. Both sides attached importance to the work
    on fulfilment of the agreements reached between the presidents of the
    two countries during the visit of Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan
    to Georgia this year.

    T. Sargsyan and G. Mgaloblishvili were unanimous in the opinion that
    it is necessary to conduct an open, transparent and comprehensible
    policy, underlining that it should be visible to the great powers
    having interests in the region. They expressed confidence that
    the documents to be signed will give new impetus to the interstate
    relations, noting that the governments of Armenia and Georgia will
    do painstaking work in the near future with the aim of implementing
    the agreements reached. According to them, during their tete-a-tete
    talk, they addressed issues of mutual interest and those of regional
    importance. The problem of Armenian Norashen Surb Astvatsatsin Church
    was discussed as well. It was pointed out that the centuries-old
    friendly links unify the Armenian and Georgian Churches. The
    prime ministers underlined the importance of the initiative of
    the Patriarch of the Georgian Orthodox Church regarding creation
    of a joint commission to discuss and solve the problems related
    to Norashen Surb Astvatsatsin Church and other churches through a
    dialog. In this connection the Georgian prime minister said that no
    issue in the relations between the two countries should give cause
    for political speculation.

    The ceremony of signing joint documents took place at the conclusion
    of the sitting of the intergovernmental commission. The two prime
    ministers signed the protocol summarizing the results of the 7th
    sitting of the Armenian-Georgian intergovernmental commission for
    economic cooperation. The Armenian minister of economy Nerses Yeritsian
    and the Georgian minister of economic development Ekaterine Sharashidze
    signed the protocol on making amendments to the Agreement on Free
    Trade between the Governments of Georgia and Armenia of August 14,
    1995. The Armenian deputy minister of culture Gagik Gyurjian and the
    Georgian deputy minister of culture, monument preservation and sports
    David Kiria signed the 2008-2010 Program on Cooperation between the
    two ministries.

    It was decided to hold the next - 8th sitting of the intergovernmental
    commission in Yerevan in 2009. The date and agenda will be determined

    Then T. Sargsyan and G. Mgaloblishvili gave a joint press conference.

    During the visit the prime minister Tigran Sargsyan met with the
    Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili, visited the Armenian embassy
    in Georgia, the Armenian Norashen Surb Astvatsatsin Church, and the
    Pantheon of Prominent Armenian Writers and Public Figures.