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Convince Raphael Lemkin Otherwise!

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  • Convince Raphael Lemkin Otherwise!


    Dec 10 2008

    The Armenian Genocide has been officially recognized by Turkey,
    United States, Great Britain, Israel and many more countries, but we
    just couldn't see it.

    By Vicken Babkenian, an independent researcher for the Australian
    Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Sydney, Australia,
    3 December 2008

    It all began when I was cutting an Orange for my niece when she asked
    me why the name Orange is both a color and a fruit. After doing some
    research, I discovered that the root of the word Orange in the English
    language is derived from the fruit. In other words the Etymology of
    the color and the fruit is interconnected. No one can argue that the
    fruit Orange is not Orange.

    As someone who has studied the Armenian Genocide over a number of
    years, I could not help but familiarize myself with the etymology of
    the word Genocide. I discovered that the word genocide is from the
    roots genos (Greek for family, tribe, race, a people, a nation) and
    -cide (Latin - occidere or cideo - to Massacre, Kill, exterminate). I
    looked up the word in the Oxford dictionary and found the definition to
    be "the extermination of a race". I then recalled that this definition
    of the word 'genocide' had been used by contemporary eyewitnesses,
    diplomats, historians, journalists to describe what was happening to
    the Armenians during WWI. Lord James Bryce in 1915 called it "the
    Extermination of a Race" in a New York Times article. If the word
    'genocide' had been coined before WWI, then that one word would have
    been used, instead of the five words which mean the same thing.

    I then conducted some research on Raphael Lemkin, "The founder of the
    genocide convention" and on the genesis of the word 'genocide' which
    he coined in 1944. In his manuscript titled "Totally unofficial",
    Lemkin wrote:

    "In 1915 . . . I began . . . to read more history to study whether
    national, religious, or racial groups as such were being destroyed. The
    truth came out after the war. In Turkey, more than 1,200,000 Armenians
    were put to death . . . After the end of the war, some 150 Turkish
    war criminals were arrested and interned by the British Government
    on the island of Malta . . . Then one day, I read in the newspapers
    that all Turkish war criminals were to be released. I was shocked. A
    nation that killed and the guilty persons were set free . . . I felt
    that a law against this type of racial or religious murder must be
    adopted by the world"

    I soon reached the conclusion that the word genocide is etymologically
    interconnected with the tragedy of the Armenians, just like the word
    Orange is to the fruit of the same name. The man who coined the word
    genocide had in large part based it on the Armenian catastrophe. He
    even stated on national television "that it happened to the
    Armenians." I further realized that the legal term "Crimes against
    humanity" which is affirmed by the U.N general Assembly was in the
    main, derived and adopted from a declaration made by the Allies on
    24 May 1915 with respect to the initiation of the wartime Armenian
    Genocide, which they branded as a "crime against humanity." This
    fact is acknowledged by the authoritative UN War Crimes Commission,
    History of the United Nations War Crimes Commission and the Development
    of the Laws of War.

    I searched online to learn which countries had actually signed and
    ratified the Genocide Convention. I discovered that most countries
    in the world had done so, including the United States, Great Britain,
    Turkey, Israel and so on. I concluded that by ratifying the convention
    they had in fact recognized that the Armenian holocaust was in fact
    a genocide.

    Yes, I use the word 'holocaust' because that word was used to
    describe what was happening to the Armenians during the Abdul Hamid
    Massacres, Adana Massacres and the Armenian genocide by contemporary
    writers. William Walker Rockwell in an article titled "the Total
    of Armenian and Syrian Dead" in the New York Times Current History
    February 1916, wrote "If the ghosts of the Christian civilians who
    have perished miserably in Turkey since the commencement of the great
    holocaust should march down Fifth Avenue twenty abreast there might
    be a million of them ... for most of them will be women and children".

    The Armenian genocide has been recognized by the majority of the
    nations of the world and we didn't even know it. If those countries
    who have ratified the genocide convention deny that the Armenians
    were victims of genocide, then they should either terminate their
    participation to the convention, or have the convention change the word
    'genocide' to something else which is not intrinsically connected to
    the Armenian slaughter.

    Denying that Armenians were victims of genocide is akin to denying
    that an Orange is Orange. It is insane and illogical. For those who
    believe that what happened to the Armenians should not be termed a
    'genocide', should have convinced Raphael Lemkin not to base the
    word on what had happened to the Armenians. Unfortunately for them,
    it is too late, by signing the genocide convention; most of the world
    has already recognized the Armenian genocide.