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Artsakh NGOs Demand From Serge Sargsyan Not To Falsify The Reality

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  • Artsakh NGOs Demand From Serge Sargsyan Not To Falsify The Reality

    11:35:52 - 10/12/2008

    The national liberation war for the liberation of Artsakh ended in
    the victory of Armenians 14 years ago. Thanks to this victory, the
    Armenian soldiers reached the northeastern border of the Armenian
    Homeland. This war was waged first of all for the liberation of the
    sacred land of the Armenian Homeland.

    Erasing the illegal, artificial and unviable borders of the autonomous
    region of Nagorno-Karabakh imposed on the Armenian people, the NKR
    Constitution adopted by the Referendum in 2006 set down the sovereign
    borders of the Armenian land liberated at the cost of blood of the
    best sons of our people.

    This war was not just a war for the liberation of the native
    land but also a fair retribution of the Genocide perpetrated by
    Azerbaijan in answer to the political claims of the Armenians of
    Artsakh. Establishing the results of the victory, the Armenian
    people showed to the world that such ambitions will never go
    unpunished. Overlooking the results of the victory of the Armenian
    people in the spheres of ideology or politics is not only profanation
    of the eternal contribution of the heroes killed at war but also
    violates the memory of the Armenians slaughtered in Sumgait, Baku,
    Gandzak (Kirovabad) and other cities and villages of Azerbaijan,
    encouraging new military aggression by Azerbaijan against the
    Armenian state.

    There can be no trifles in such issues. The daily display of the map
    of the autonomous region of Nagorno-Karabakh, which does not exist
    since the proclamation of NKR, on the Public and other TV channels
    of Armenia deeply insults not only the viewers of Armenia and NKR but
    also the Diaspora. It has an especially negative political effect now,
    in a deciding phase of the talks for the settlement of the conflict
    when we all hope the Armenian diplomacy struggles to protect the
    interests of the Armenian people.

    We demand that the image of the autonomous region of Nagorno-Karabakh
    be removed from the weather forecast maps and replaced by the map
    of Armenia and NKR. We are convinced that in the shortest possible
    time all the necessary measures will be taken to change the existing

    The Club of Young Political Scientists of Artsakh Hayrenyats Pashtpan
    NGO of the Union of Veterans of Artsakh ARF Dashnaktsutyun Artsakh
    youth union The youth wing of the Democratic Party of Artsakh The
    youth wing of the Azat Hayrenik Party Vachagan Barepasht NGO Haiki
    Serund NGO Alfa Omega NGO Zepyur NGO