De Facto
Dec 10, 2008
STEPANAKERT, 10.12.08. DE FACTO. On December 8, the NKR Permanent
Representation in France organized a reception in Paris, dedicated
to the 20th anniversary of the Karabakh movement.
Deputies of the National Assembly of France, mayors of the French
cities, politicians, representatives of the Armenian organizations
of France, as well as journalists were present at the reception.
In his speech, the NKR Permanent Representative in France Hovhannes
Gevorgian marked the importance of the Karabakh movement in the
history of the Armenian people.
"20 years have passed since the historical 1988. During that
20 difficult years, we suffered a war, had innumerable victims,
experienced and still keeps on experiencing a severe blockade...But
we managed to withstand and reach a victory due to our unity and
solidarity", Hovhannes Gevorgian noted.
Speaking about the Diaspora's role in the victory of Artsakh, Hovhannes
Gevorgian mentioned that the Artsakh-Armenia-Diaspora trinity keeps
on being an indispensable condition for the final resolution of the
Karabakh problem and the NKR's international recognition.
The NKR Permanent Representative in France also touched upon the
tragic events of Sumgait, in 1988 and the earthquake in Spitak. Those
present paid homage to the innocent victims by one-minute silence,
the NKR MFA Press Office reports.
De Facto
Dec 10, 2008
STEPANAKERT, 10.12.08. DE FACTO. On December 8, the NKR Permanent
Representation in France organized a reception in Paris, dedicated
to the 20th anniversary of the Karabakh movement.
Deputies of the National Assembly of France, mayors of the French
cities, politicians, representatives of the Armenian organizations
of France, as well as journalists were present at the reception.
In his speech, the NKR Permanent Representative in France Hovhannes
Gevorgian marked the importance of the Karabakh movement in the
history of the Armenian people.
"20 years have passed since the historical 1988. During that
20 difficult years, we suffered a war, had innumerable victims,
experienced and still keeps on experiencing a severe blockade...But
we managed to withstand and reach a victory due to our unity and
solidarity", Hovhannes Gevorgian noted.
Speaking about the Diaspora's role in the victory of Artsakh, Hovhannes
Gevorgian mentioned that the Artsakh-Armenia-Diaspora trinity keeps
on being an indispensable condition for the final resolution of the
Karabakh problem and the NKR's international recognition.
The NKR Permanent Representative in France also touched upon the
tragic events of Sumgait, in 1988 and the earthquake in Spitak. Those
present paid homage to the innocent victims by one-minute silence,
the NKR MFA Press Office reports.