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ANC-WR's Look Back at 2008

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  • ANC-WR's Look Back at 2008

    Armenian National Committee - Western Region
    104 North Belmont Street, Suite 200
    Glendale, California 91206
    Phone: 818.500.1918
    Fax: 818.246.7353
    [email protected]


    December 11, 2008
    Contact: Ani Garabedian

    ANCWR's Look Back at 2008

    - Year of Firsts Sets Tone for Community Advocacy

    LOS ANGELES - Over the course of the past year, the ANC-WR ushered in
    new heights of progress and development in community efforts. A few
    highlights of the year included record-breaking attendance for the
    annual banquet, town hall meetings across the western United States,
    the controversy surrounding Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch and the
    further advancement of the ANC-WR Internship-Externship Program
    (ANC-WR IEP).

    Throughout most of the year, the Armenian American community eagerly
    awaited the ANC-WR Annual Banquet. More than 1000 supporters gathered
    on October 12, 2008 at this marquee event held at the Ronald Reagan
    Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California to celebrate the
    achievements of 2008. Public officials joined members of the community
    in honoring Democratic Vice-President Elect Joseph Biden, Los Angeles
    Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, President Ronald Reagan and long time ANC
    supporter Mrs. Ashkhen Pilavjian. Honorary chairs of the event
    included Congressmen Adam Schiff, George Radanovich, Ed Royce,
    Congresswoman Jackie Speier and several others.

    During the course of the year the ANC-WR expanded its community
    outreach and hosted town hall meetings throughout the western United
    States; from Washington, to Oregon, to San Diego and several other
    locales. ANC activists gathered to receive updates about various ANC
    initiatives including House Resolution 106, the Senate hearings for
    the newly appointed US Ambassador to Armenia, the US Presidential
    Elections, congressional elections and various other issues. The
    community learned more about how their local activism played a crucial
    role and that their work has a vital, grassroots impact on the local
    and national scene.

    Most notably, the Annual Federal Issues Town Hall Briefing was held in
    May in Los Angeles. This event focused on key developments in the
    second session of the 110th Congress. The event featured
    presentations by ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian and prominent political
    expert and National Politics Editor for Politico Charles Mahtesian.

    One of the most noteworthy developments of 2008 occurred on March 28,
    2008 when President Bush nominated Amb. Marie L. Yovanovitch to serve
    as America's next Ambassador to Armenia. President Bush's previous
    nominee as U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, Richard Hoagland, was subject
    to two legislative holds by U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) in
    response to the nominee's statements denying the Armenian Genocide.
    President Bush ultimately withdrew Hoagland's nomination in August

    Initiated in the days leading up to the Senate confirmation hearing
    for ambassador-designate Marie Yovanovitch, the AYF and ANCA launched
    an innovative campaign using YouTube video messages to encourage U.S.
    Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) to ask President Bush's nominee frank
    questions about the Armenian Genocide.

    The ANC-WR helped support the ANCA in launching an online action
    effort urging Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to
    question Amb. Yovanovitch on issues including the Armenian Genocide as
    well as Turkey and Azerbaijan's ongoing blockades of Armenia and the
    U.S. role in finding a peaceful resolution to the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict that respects the right to self-determination of the people
    of Artsakh. The online effort was combined with a postcard campaign to
    key Senate Foreign Relations Committee members, urging them to take

    In 2008, the ANC-WR welcomed fourteen interns and externs to its
    program, the largest class to date. Students from all over California
    participated in this challenging program which helps shape and develop
    various skills that will prepare participants for success and
    leadership in their careers. Established in June 2006, the ANC-WR IEP
    is a selective and intensive program that provides student leaders and
    activists with an opportunity to participate in a program designed to
    provide an in-depth introduction to Armenian American issues as well
    as advocacy efforts on the federal, state and local level.

    Looking back, 2008 was a year full of education, community outreach
    and activity for the ANC-WR. The success of the ANC-WR is owed to the
    dedication of its activists and the Armenian American community.
    Thank you for your support and we look forward to a fruitful 2009.

    The Armenian National Committee--Western Region is the largest and
    most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy organization in
    the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of
    offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States
    and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANC-WR advances
    the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of