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No Need To Open The Closed Page

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  • No Need To Open The Closed Page

    Lilit Poghosyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    10 Dec 08

    Responding to the invitation of one of the discussion clubs of
    Yerevan at the end of November, Vahram Atanesyan, Head of the Foreign
    Affairs Committee of the NKR National Assembly, categorically refuted
    the false stereotype disseminated by the Armenian Pan-National
    Movement. The radical activists persisted in its statements that
    before 1998, Karabakh participated in the Minsk Group process as a
    "full party", but then Robert Kocharyan came to power and coarsely
    ruled out Karabakh's participation in the process. And he immediately
    appeared in the focus of the "criticism" of the propaganda machine.

    At our request, VAHRAM ATANESYAN touches upon the issue under

    "Frankly speaking, the news release of 'A1+' agency led me to the
    belief that Mr. Manvel Sargsyan was just trying to remind about his
    existence after quitting politics. But judging by the comments of Web site, I think that he was the author of everything and
    is probably trying to solve some other problem.

    Yes, I did conduct a press conference in Yerevan on the 21st
    of November, and in response to the question concerning 'Nagorno
    Karabakh's non-participation', I said that in 1994-98, Karabakh hadn't
    been a full party to the talks; therefore, nobody could have ruled out"
    its participation in the process.

    In 1992, the OSCE Minsk Group started its mission, and Nagorno
    Karabakh's participation in the settlement process was determined by
    the following formulation: 'NKR-approved and other representatives'. As
    to the subsequent consultations, discussions and negotiations, they
    were necessarily participated by the so-called Head of the Azerbaijani
    community of Nagorno Karabakh. That person was Nizami Bahmanov who
    is already dead.

    Therefore, if Mr. M. Sargsyan desires to see the representatives of the
    Azerbaijani community sitting next to the NKR-approved representative
    around the table once again, that's just impossible. He has to wait
    for a long time, until Azerbaijan decides who will represent the
    'Azerbaijani community of Karabakh'. This question has become a
    trouble for Azerbaijan, and they are unable to find a way out.

    I just regret that a politician and political scientist like Manvel
    Sargsyan does not realize that what is being done currently is just
    an attempt to bring closer the 'representatives of the Armenian and
    Azerbaijani communities' of Nagorno Karabakh, so as they can discuss
    certain problems. And Nagorno Karabakh, as an accomplished state,
    finds this unacceptable. Nagorno Karabakh can and must participate in
    the talks based on the principles of equality of rights and mutual
    recognition of competences. That's a long way which, we hope, will
    not be insurmountable for us.

    If Mr. M. Margaryan has forgotten that in 1994-97, the principal
    talks were conducted abroad, on the level of Zhirayr Liparityan,
    Chief Advisor to the RA President and Vafa Guluzade, Advisor to the
    Azeri President on Foreign Policy issues, that's his problem. That
    time too, negotiations were held between L. Ter-Petrosyan and late
    Azeri President H. Aliev. They periodically met within the frameworks
    of both CIS summits and other international forums.

    If the NKR had participated in the negotiation process as a full
    party, it would have categorically opposed the settlement option
    L. Ter-Petrosyan wanted to push forward in 1997. By the way, during
    the years when 'NKR's participation in the talks was ruled out',
    M. Sargsyan was the Advisor to the President on Foreign Policy
    Issues. If anything of the kind really happened, then he also has
    his share of guilt."

    "Did M. Sargsyan ever express his view during his tenure? Did he ever
    protest against the 'awkward' policy of the Armenian party?"

    "In general, the fact that the Foreign Policy Advisor of any country's
    President may have a permanent residence in the capital city of some
    other country is something nonsensicall. Manvel Sargsyan officiated
    in Yerevan; he visited Stepanakert for a day or a day and a half but
    he never complained that the Nagorno Karabakh was being pushed away
    from the negotiation process. Today, I am simply unable to understand
    which of my statements diminishes the role of the Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic as an independent subject, something M. Sargsyan and his
    yes-men are trying to claim.

    On the contrary, the NKR can and must participate in the talks based on
    the principle of equal rights and mutual recognition of competences. I
    emphasize the fact of the NKR's being a legal subject. Our objective
    is this and not the task of conducting talks with the representative of
    the "Azerbaijani community of Nagorno Karabakh". We can have a dialogue
    with the Azeri authorities based on the principle of equal rights;
    but this certainly doesn't mean that Azerbaijan has to immediately
    recognize the independence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

    No, we are conflicting parties on equal bases and should negotiate
    with each other based on the principles of equal rights. As to the
    outcome of the talks, nobody can predetermine it. But no divergence of
    opinions is possible with regard to the fact that those negotiations
    should have no precondition.

    And today, the principal factor impeding the negotiation process is
    that Azerbaijan does not recognize Karabakh as a legal subject.

    And if it seems to some people that Azerbaijan has ever recognized NKR
    as a legal subject, I will say that this does not correspond to the
    reality; otherwise, th e conflict would have been settled long ago."

    "Don't your opponents play into the hands of Azerbaijan by constantly
    repeating false statements that it is Armenia that impedes Karabakh's
    participation in the negotiation process?"

    "That's a very dangerous tendency. Especially in a situation when an
    attempt is being made to conduct the talks on the 'inter-community
    level'. That's to say, we are speaking about an accomplished state,
    and they are trying to push us to enter into a debate with the Azeri
    community with which we have nothing to negotiate. After all, the
    plans to return the settlement process to the course which failed in
    1998 after L. Ter-Petrosyan's resignation is already in the past. That
    page is closed, and there's no need to re-open it any more. This is
    what poses threat.

    To admit the fact that we had recognized Karabakh as a full party to
    the talks before that would mean that we bear responsibility for the
    phase settlement which is no longer effective. Because, a negotiating
    party is not just a claimant; it also assumes responsibility; whereas
    we do not bear any responsibility for a process which existed before
    1997. Neither do we bear any responsibility for the current stage of
    the talks because we do not participate in the negotiation process
    at present.

    However, there is a vast difference between what was proposed
    in 19 97 and what we have on the table at present. These are
    completely different starting points. Today, the discussions go
    around the possibilities of exercising the NKR people's right to
    self-determination, a principle that didn't exist in 1997. Not seeing
    or pretending not to see this means not to be interested in the
    settlement methodology which implies the possibility of exercising
    the right to self-determination."