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No Political Force In Armenia Questions The Genocide

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  • No Political Force In Armenia Questions The Genocide

    Naira Khachatryan

    Azat Artsakh Daily
    10 Dec 08
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR

    The Person in Charge of Armenian Cause and Political Issues of ARFD
    Bureau Kiro Manoyan was the guest of "Pastark" club yesterday.

    >From the events dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Convention
    on the "Prevention and Punishment of Genocides" he separated the
    report made yesterday by the special working group formed by the US
    authorities, where they demand to be more active in preventing and
    punishing genocides.

    His said certain activeness is noticed in Turkey as well: "According
    to the available information the collection of signatures initiated
    by the Turkish intellectuals will become more active in January. The
    intellectuals express sorrow for what happened in 1915 (though
    instead of genocide they call it "great massacre") they apologize
    to Armenians. Anyway I don't question the sincerity of these people,
    though they seem to be a bit scared."

    The open letter of the Armenian intellectuals addressed to the Turkish
    President is another significant event: "They remind the Turkish
    President that they have no other alternative to the recognition
    of the Genocide. They must recognize the Genocide not only to have
    progress in Armenian-Turkish relations but also Turkey will finally
    release itself from the heavy load=2 0of the past. In my view this
    letter was also important because it was Armenia's initiative and
    expresses the opinion of our society."

    Kiro Manoyan says the world community has actually recognized the fact
    of the genocide. "The states, the public organizations formulating
    public opinion only enshrine the fact. For example not to allow
    the publication of articles denying the Genocide, or to include the
    Armenian Genocide in the textbooks.

    As regards the recognition of the Genocide by the states, in my
    view we have approached the refuge where the Turkish society finally
    recognizes its history. The main goal of the process of recognizing
    the Genocide is that Turkey itself must recognize it.

    Though Turkey is far from recognizing the fact of the Genocide,
    "Turkish society has already started to speak about recognizing their
    history, though Turkey continues to create obstacles to the free
    examination of their history. Lots of people are detained or even
    convicted only because their approach differs from that of the state."

    As regards the probability of the recognition of the Genocide by the
    USA: "It is based on the promises made by the President-elect Barrack
    Obama, his commitments and, why not, his political appointments. He
    has already announced the name of the new US Ambassador to the UN
    who is the champion of condemning not only Armenian but also all the
    other genocides. Samantha Power is also in his surrounding, who is
    one of the active supporters of reconfirming the Armenian Genocide.

    Besides that Obama repeated in his promise when Turkey sent a
    delegation to warn Obama not to recognize the Genocide. So all the
    before mentioned gives grounds to think that Obama will use the word
    "Genocide" in his speech delivered on April 24."