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Armenian Dried Fruit And Vegetables In Great Demand In Europe

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  • Armenian Dried Fruit And Vegetables In Great Demand In Europe


    Noyan Tapan
    Dec 12, 2008

    YEREVAN, DECEMBER 12, NOYAN TAPAN. Chir company produced 500 tons
    of dried fruit and vegetables this year, with 20% of its production
    being exported to European countries. The production of dried fruits:
    plums, apricots, peaches has grown by 20% as compared with last year,
    and most of these products were sold in the domestic market, while the
    dried vegetables and spices have been mainly exported, NT correspondent
    was informed by Sandro Abovian, the chairman of the Assosiation of
    Dried Foodstuff Producers, a Candidate of Technical Sciences.

    He said that dried tomato is in especially great demand in
    international market. However, because of prices it is not profitable
    for the company to produce large number of dried tomatoes, and
    this year the company had reduced the purchase of tomatoes and the
    production of dried tomatoes due to the appreciation of the Armenian
    dram. At the same time, it was mentioned that the company has reached
    an agreement with foreign partners on establishing a new price of dried
    tomato. Besides, dried egg-plants and red peppers will be exported.

    The number of companies engaged in the production of dried fruit and
    vegetables has increased in the country in recent years, and local
    producers have reached great success in this sector. According to
    S. Abovian, the sector is considered one of the most promising branches
    of Armenian agriculture, while market relations presuppose production
    of a large number of dried foodstuffs in line with international
    qualitative indices. With this aim, as S. Abovian pointed out, state
    assistance is needed in the provision of loans at low interest rates.

    In his words, this sector started developing in Armenia in the
    1990s. There are more than 220 solar drying houses in 9 Armenian
    marzes. 500-1,200 tons of dried fruit and vegetables is produced by
    using various methods in Armenia annually, which is enough for only
    a small part of the population for consumption.