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Whisper Bloody Murder?

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  • Whisper Bloody Murder?

    By Paul Sookiasian
    Frida y, December 5, 2008

    Less than a month ago news started coming across the wires that
    surprised many in the Armenian-American community. A CNN press
    release said that it would be airing a program by their respected
    correspondent Christiane Amanpour, entitled, "Scream Bloody Murder,"
    which would deal with the lack of response to genocides of the 20th
    century. The release specifically mentioned Armenia as one of the
    cases of genocide it would be examining.

    This naturally created some excitement that finally a major
    news organization would be dedicating a program partly to the so
    often overlooked Armenian Genocide of 1915 and inform a nationwide
    audience about it. Word was spread by phone and internet with many
    Armenian-Americans excited that the mainstream media would finally
    take a look at our forgotten genocide.

    Personally, I was a little suspicious and the day before the showed
    aired I found out through a source that, as I had suspected, the
    total time dedicated to the Armenian Genocide in this two hour program
    would be 45 seconds. However the many other Armenians who did not know
    this went into the show expecting at long last some serious interest
    in the plight of their ancestors from one of these many 20th century
    genocides. They must have been sorely disappointed. Before the show had
    even ended people I know were angrily posting messages20of shock and
    disappointment that something billed as a documentary about genocide,
    inclusive of the Armenian case, would dedicate large portions of time
    to all the other cases but less than a fleeting minute to Armenia.

    What's so interesting is the title of the CNN show to begin with
    invokes the imagery of screaming and talked to those who screamed
    about genocide, a notion identical to that of Carla Garapedian's
    Armenian Genocide documentary "Screamers". This idea of screaming
    about genocide to make it known was originated by Harvard scholar
    Dr. Samantha Power in her Pulitzer Prize-winning book "A Problem from
    Hell". She was featured in "Screamers" and it is hard to think that
    the CNN special was not at least in part inspired by Power's work
    based on this similarity. It bares mentioning that Power dedicated
    a chapter of her book on genocide to the Armenian Genocide and so
    one can assume that if put in charge of planning "Scream Bloody
    Murder" she would have found it worthy of much more screen time
    than 45 seconds. This is not to say that CNN should be condemned for
    mentioning the Armenian Genocide, but the off-handed manner in which
    1915 gets mentioned (despite Armenia having been prominently billed
    as one of the documentary's subjects in the original press release)
    when the other examples of genocide each received on average the
    space of time through two commercial breaks seems to imply it is a
    les ser example or somehow not central to the subject of genocide.

    Flying in the face of this conception though is the fact mentioned in
    the documentary that 1915 inspired Lemkin to coin the word genocide
    and really got him thinking about the crime in the first place. As
    one can see in the documentary Screamers or Power's book, there was
    no lack of screaming going on in the Armenian case either. Ambassador
    Henry Morgenthau's story is a now legendary example of someone who
    stood up to the very face of genocide and tried to scream about it to
    the world. This screaming reached its way to the top, as evidenced by
    this article regarding Secretary of State at the time William Jennings
    Bryan, but unfortunately it couldn't be stopped. Other screamers
    included Consul Leslie A. Davis who told tales of genocide which
    sound frighteningly similar to those which occurred later in Rwanda
    and Cambodia as mentioned in "Scream Bloody Murder". Even though the
    Armenian Genocide is over its effect and the fact it is unrecognized
    by Turkey still resound today in the highest levels of world affairs,
    geopolitics, and is quite relevant to our world today even though it
    is almost a hundred years in the past. Just a few years ago former US
    Ambassador to Armenia John Evans was fired by the State Department for
    screaming proper recognition of the genocide. This story compliments
    those mentioned by CNN, such as that of Canadian general in Rwanda
    Romeo Dallaire, of those who screamed and paid the price (and is
    a unique twist in that this scream was so long after the genocide
    happened as opposed to while it was going on).

    Despite being largely overlooked, the Armenian Genocide was even
    referenced in the Genocide Convention covered by Amanpour as having
    finally put into law the crime of genocide. While it is too late
    now to go back and create a new segment on the Armenian Genocide to
    place in the already aired documentary, that does not mean CNN has no
    way of rectifying this error. I had been feeling hopeful about the
    documentary and might have given it more of a pass on this omission
    until I saw this interactive map on the section of Scream Bloody Murder
    section of CNN's website about the world's killing fields. It appears
    that despite the fact when it had first been announced Armenia was
    prominently mentioned as one of the examples of genocide that would be
    covered, it failed to even be pinpointed on the interactive map as an
    example of genocide. This is a very strange thing to ponder since one
    would assume if the Armenian Genocide is mentioned in the promotional
    material it'd be listed on this interactive map. This seems to compound
    the insult of being only mentioned for 45 seconds in the documentary
    to being completely forgotten on their world map of genocides and
    makes me question what went on behind the sc enes. Perhaps they
    found it too provocative to pinpoint a NATO ally such as Turkey and
    decided that since marking the Armenian Genocide would mean marking
    Turkey it'd be best to just leave Armenia off despite the fact it is
    even mentioned in the documentary? Despite the fact it says almost
    nothing about the Armenian Genocide, Scream Bloody Murder hasn't gone
    unnoticed in Turkey after all, as this Turkish newspaper article from
    Hurriyet yesterday makes clear: "Genocide feature worrisome"

    Whatever the case, this oversight is extremely unfortunate and
    Armenians and Americans alike should take CNN to task. American
    officials were the first to scream out in the 20th century - a proud
    fact swept under the rug.

    Besides letting CNN know they should have paid more attention to the
    original example of 20th century genocide in their documentary, it
    can show its good faith immediately by placing the Armenian Genocide
    on their website's interactive map as it deserves. For an otherwise
    well-done documentary on the importance of screaming bloody murder
    whenever and wherever it happens, this blank spot over Turkey doubles
    as a shameful and bloody stain

    To write to CNN, or to post your question for Christiane Amanpour,
    take action here:

    Amanpour Screams 'Bloody Murder' But Not about Armenian Genocide

    By Ara Khachatourian,, 4 December 2008

    A powerful documentary entitled "Scream Bloody Murder anchored by
    Christiane Amanpour premiering on CNN today (9 p.m. ET/PT) offers a
    gripping look at Genocide throughout history and those who

    witnessed and warned a deaf world about such atrocities, but neglects
    to mention the Armenian Genocide as the first such event that prompted
    Raphael Lemkin to coin the phrase.

    The documentary begins with the roots of the word Genocide and
    chronicles the stormy conflicts within Lemkin, who, as Amanpour
    puts it, was affected by the slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians by
    Ottoman Turks and was prompted to coin the phrase Genocide. In the
    almost 90-minute press screener, the Armenian Genocide was mentioned
    for about 45 seconds as an anecdotal reference to Lemkin's struggle
    for human justice. Using photographs now familiar to all Armenians
    and possibly obtained from Armin T. Wegner Collection, Amanpour
    illustrates the horror of the Armenian Genocide but does not delve
    into it in as in-depth and compelling manner as she does the other
    instances of Genocide.

    Throughout the program, Amanpour "reveals stories of those who tried to
    stop genocide," as the CNN press information describes it and discusses
    the horrific stories of Genocide with "heroes who witnessed evil-- and
    'screamed bloody murder' for the international community to stop it.

    Amanpour and CNN should be applauded for the in-depth look at Genocide,
    from the Holocaust to the killing fields of Cambodia, to I raq, Rwanda,
    Bosnia and now Darfur the horror of it all is told with searing images
    and graphic eyewitness accounts.

    To bring attention to Genocide, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of
    the adoption of UN Convention of Genocide and Human Rights, authored
    by Lemkin, is an important accomplishment, one that also asks the
    hard question of why the world did (does) not interfere when it has
    a moral obligation.

    Amanpour adeptly clarifies the political machinations behind the
    response--or lack thereof--by the US in all instances featured in the
    report and wonders, at the end, whether others who "scream bloody
    murder" will be heard. One wonders, however, if Amanpour heard the
    screams of Henry Morgenthau, the US Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire
    at the time of the Armenian Genocide, who along with Elie Wiesel,
    Father Francois Ponchaud, Peter Galbraith, Richard Holbrook, Canadian
    General Romeo Dallaire and others who bore witness to such unspeakable
    atrocities and whose warnings prompted action but not soon enough to
    save millions of lives.

    Perhaps, the Armenian community can now prompt CNN, as it did eight
    years ago ABC News and its venerable anchor the late Peter Jennings
    to take a closer look at the first Genocide of the 20th Century.

    Amanpour's "Scream Bloody Murder" is an important piece of journalism
    as it asks the very critical questions that could have prevented so
    many acts of Geno cide. In its reporting, Amanpour is also very adept
    at pointing to US complicity in all these events, much like Samantha
    Power was in her Pulitzer Prize-winning book "A Problem from Hell:
    America and the Age of Genocide."

    "Scream Bloody Murder" anchored by CNN Chief International
    Correspondent Christiane Amanpour airs on CNN Thursday at 9 p.m.

    Eastern/Pacific, with an encore at midnight Eastern and Pacific.

    1) Post your question on CNN iReport

    Ask Christiane Amanpour a question about this serious shortcoming in
    her documentary through CNN iReport,

    an interactive feature that allows you to post video and text viewable
    by the millions of visitors to CNN's website. Your posting will also
    be searchable on Google News.

    View an effective CNN iReport

    posting commenting on "Scream Bloody Murder".

    2) Write directly to CNN's editors

    Send a free ANCA WebFax to CNN's leadership pointing out this
    shortcoming and asking them to address this gap in their reporting
    in future coverage of genocide-related issues.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress