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Turkish Tzugtzwang

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  • Turkish Tzugtzwang

    Vardan Grigoryan

    Hayots Ashkharh Daily
    11 Dec 2008

    Ankara to be unmasked

    The Armenian and Turkish intellectuals' recent statements over
    the recognition of the Armenian Genocide bring the official Ankara
    face-to-face with serious problems.

    The official circles of Turkey seemed to be accustomed to the
    situation of constantly opposing the official Yerevan's appeals
    of starting a dialogue and restoring the relationship without
    preconditions. And every time, they invented new and new fantastic
    preconditions for Armenia. Now, however, neither the Turkish nor the
    Armenian intellectuals have advanced any concrete issue of interstate
    importance so as to give Ankara the opportunity of "bargaining".

    On the contrary, both parties have put the emphasis on the Armenian
    Genocide, an irrefutable fact that has separated the two peoples from
    each other.

    Moreover, the Turkish intellectuals have already recognized the fact;
    they have apologized to the Armenians and called on our people to join
    them. As to the representatives of the Armenian intelligentsia, they
    have addressed their demand to Turkish President Abdullah Gul, one of
    the vanguards striving for the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish

    Of course, we may have no hopes and illusions as far as Gul is
    concerned, because expressing the official stance of his country
    A. Gul will either tr y to act from the vulnerable positions of those
    denying the Armenian Genocide or will just have to remain silent. In
    both cases, the Turkish leader will be "down in the dumps" because
    he is used to adorning himself with the laurels of the champion of
    "friendship" and "dialogue".

    Moreover, unlike Armenia and the Armenian society which are unanimous
    in their assessments of the fact of the Armenian Genocide, the
    Turkish society has found itself entangled in internal discontent and
    debates. The nationalistic circles condemn the bold step undertaken
    by intellectuals like Baksyn Oran, whereas the official Ankara still
    remains silent. Because to speak would mean to equalize oneself with
    Devlet Bahcheli and the "grey wolves", and to remain silent would
    mean to arouse doubts among the latter.

    But the time passes and the inauguration of the US President
    and the winter session of Congress are drawing near. Naturally,
    instead of starting idle talks about the friendly relations between
    the Armenians and the Turks, they expect the Turkish President to
    undertake concrete steps towards lifting the blockade of Armenia and
    establishing diplomatic ties with our country.

    Whereas the Armenian side has no reason for making haste, therefore
    it isn't going to agree with the preconditions proposed by Turkey.

    Therefore, during his upcoming visit to Israel, Abdullah Gul will
    try to receive20the support of the Jewish lobby of the United States
    so as to suspend the process of the recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide. Calculated to talk President-elect Barrack Obama out of his
    intentions, such plans are undoubtedly conditioned by the expectations
    from Ram Emmanuel, candidate for the Head of the Presidential staff,
    and other figures representing the Jewish lobby.

    We believe that an increased number of appeals and declarations
    demanding that Turkey recognize the Armenian Genocide may be
    strictly important for the present moment. It's time the Armenian
    intellectuals of the Diaspora addressed such Declarations to Turkey and
    the pro-Armenian figures of Europe, United States and Russia. During
    the upcoming months, it will be necessary to put the Turkish leaders
    under a propaganda pressure, so as they will not be able to even
    think about applying their primitive propaganda tools against Armenia.

    Furthermore, while writing such appeals or declarations, it is
    necessary to forget about the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border or
    the establishment of diplomatic ties without any preconditions. These
    are issues to be tackled only by the diplomats of the given countries,
    because whenever being transferred to the political domain, such
    issues are obviously speculated by Turkey. It is necessary to hit
    the target that can make Turkey vulnerable and force the country to
    change its current hostile policy in relation to Armenia.

    In the course of the upcoming months, it will be necessary to
    raise the issue of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide on
    international arenas and in the pages of the press. And after all,
    the American President is required to keep the promise he gave the
    American-Armenians and start a process of collecting appeals and
    declarations and organize rallies and marches.

    The Turkish leaders should direct their persistent attempts of
    pretending a dialogue against the official Ankara and mount a strong
    wave of protest with a demand of recognizing the Armenian Genocide.