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Armenians Of Javakhk Desert Their Motherland

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  • Armenians Of Javakhk Desert Their Motherland

    By Aghavni Haroutiunian

    AZG Armenian Daily


    Interview with the President of "Yerkir" Union of Public Organizations
    on Repatriation and Settlement Sevak Artsruni

    - Mr. Artsruni, your organization raised the alarm about
    Georgianization of the Armenian St. Norashen church in Tbilisi as
    far back as June 2008. How do you assess the processes developing
    at present?

    - Norashen is only a manifestation of a whole process that started
    since the independence of Georgia and becomes more dangerous. All
    three Presidents of Georgia - Gamsakhurdia, Shevardnadze and
    today Saakashvili - were guided by the same scenario against the
    ethnic minorities of the country and led by the same principles not
    giving political status to ethnic minorities in Georgia; creating
    unbearable living and development conditions and forcing them to
    immigrate and become an alien. Norashen is not the first and the only
    manifestation of that policy. Since the independence of Georgia, a
    number of churches were blown up and cemeteries destroyed (Khojivank
    cemetery or Shamkhoretsots church in Havlabar). The Catholic Church
    has similar problems as well. The latter ineffectually struggles to
    return the temples belonging to it.

    However, it is not right to say that the phenomenon has not provoked
    discussions. In October 2007, the United Nations Commission on Human
    Rights called on the Georgian authorities to return the expropriated
    churches to their legal owners.

    The Georgian diocese of the Armenian Church and the Embassy
    of Vatican periodically filed appeals and protests to different
    countries' diplomatic representatives in Georgia, mainly the Embassy
    of France. The issue of the churches is on the agendas of their
    discussions with the Georgian authorities. The Georgian Ombudsman,
    the US Department of State and others also raise the issue in their
    statements and reports.

    However, until today the Georgian authorities treat all those appeals,
    mediations and recommendations with absolute contempt.

    - What is going on in Javakhk today?

    - The Armenians of Javakhk desert their motherland. The Georgian
    authorities consistently carry out the policy on alienation of the
    Armenians here. Elements of that policy are: a/compulsion of the
    Georgian language in all spheres of public life, including courts,
    official correspondence with administrative bodies, in all types
    of contacts with the residents and government bodies, b/ weakening
    of political, social-economic, educational and cultural relations
    between Armenia and Javakhk, c/passing of some new laws on compulsion
    of the Georgian language, d/ prohibition on establishment of political
    parties based on national principles to protect the rights of ethnic
    minorities, e/ actual prohibition on foundation of higher educational
    institutions based on Armenian language, etc.

    At present, some of the Armenians in Javakhk endowed with talent for
    leadership are imprisoned or emigrated, as they principally refused
    to bargain. On the contrary, people without scruples that only think
    of becoming rich, who are defamed and refused by the people, being
    time-servers are ready to take obediently the orders of the Georgian
    authorities, break the people's spirit and serve as a tool of the
    Georgian policy on alienation of the Armenians.

    - When speaking of the imprisoned political figures do you bear in
    mind Vahagn Chakhalian?

    - Yes, first of all him. The incidents (July 17-21, 2008) that happened
    under extremely suspicious and strange circumstances - the explosion
    near the house of the local chief of police and the assassination
    of two Armenian policemen - were used as a pretext by the Georgian
    authorities to settle a score with the "United Javakhk" democratic
    alliance and its leader Vahagn Chakhalian - a famous activist
    struggling for protection of rights of the Armenians in Javakhk.

    After those incidents Vahagn Chakhalian, his father and juvenile
    brother were arrested. Legal proceedings were brought against them for
    "acquisition of weapons and armament". Later Vahagn Chakhalian was
    charged with some other crimes, based on his political activities in
    2005-2006, mainly organization of mass demonstrations.

    - What is the real reason for arresting Vahagn Chakhalian?

    - The "United Javakhk" movement and its leader Vahagn Chakhalian
    deprived the Georgian authorities of an opportunity to speculate
    about the so-called Javakhk separation, as they took the separation,
    revolutionary and similar adventurous approaches out of the political

    Vahagn Chakhalian suggested that the Armenians of Javakhk should
    struggle for their rights in a practicable way acceptable by the
    international community.

    Consequently, the Georgian authorities are really afraid of this
    alternative and not the virtual calls for autonomy.

    - Does it mean that the Georgian authorities are not ready for
    a dialogue?

    - They were not ready until today. But the latest developments in
    the region may lead to change of situation.

    Naturally, Georgia will continue to clutch at Ankara-Tbilisi-Baku axis,
    but at the same time, it will have to take serious steps towards EU
    integration. The rights of the Armenians in Javakhk as a national
    minority should be involved in that process as a precondition. In
    this sense, "Yerkir" Union of Public Organizations on Repatriation
    and Settlement has carried out a sufficient work for years.

    Mainly, in October 2007, with the efforts of "Yerkir" Union the
    recommendations of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights
    to the Georgian authorities embraced the issues of registration
    of the Armenian Apostolic Church and return of Norashen and other
    expropriated churches.

    Underlining the low level of political representation of the ethnic
    minorities, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights bound

    - to view the opportunity to let the ethnic minorities use their
    languages in the local self-governing bodies' administrative works,

    - to take all appropriate measures to provide adequate political
    representation and participation for the ethnic minorities abolishing
    language discrimination,

    - to organize a dialogue between the groups showing interest in the
    issues of the ethnic minorities and the civil society institutions.

    It's worth to mention that "Yerkir" Union has created the necessary
    prerequisites for the visit of the experts (European Framework
    Convention for the Protection of National Minorities) to Javakhk in
    the mid of December.

    - What initiatives are and will be taken by "Yerkir" Union to overcome
    the crisis that the Armenians of Javakhk face?

    - On July 21, 2008, the next day of the arrest, Vahagn and Armen
    Chakhalians' mother Gayane Chakhalian told us that Vahagn asked
    "Yerkir" Union to systematize his advocacy case.

    In spite of the Georgian authorities' evident resistance, we have
    succeeded in:

    - splitting the informational vacuum of Vahagn Chakhalian's case
    and making it well-known by carrying out fact-finding missions in
    Akhalkalaki, issuing press releases and holding press conferences
    to show that in the person of Vahagn Chakhalian and others we have
    political prisoners,

    - involving in the investigation of the case and compelling the
    Georgian authorities to register an advocate from Armenia to defend
    the interests of Vahagn Chakhalian and his family,

    - involving in the investigation of the case the French attorney
    Patrick Arapian well-known in the sphere of human rights,

    - drawing the international institutions (following the democratization
    processes in Georgia (OSCE, EC)) and human rights organizations'
    attention to the case (some of them promised to follow the trial
    through their observers).

    At the previous court sitting of Chakhalians' case the attorneys
    succeeded in showing proofs that Vahagn Chakhalian's juvenile brother's
    arrest was illegal and as a result of it he was released on bail.

    Even today, we consider our mission as partially
    accomplished. Actually, the Georgian authorities' desire to condemn
    Vahagn Chakhalian as a criminal failed. His father and brother
    were released. The prosecutor's office and the judge continuously
    adjourn the trial trying to concoct new criminal charges. And with
    this scandalous trial the Akhaltskha court has become a platform of
    condemnation of the Georgian policy on violation of the rights of
    Armenians in Javakhk. What is happening today in Javakhk is in the
    focus of international organizations' attention and will not be futile.

    This counteraction has strengthened the Georgian authorities'
    persecutions; they terrorize not only the activists and co-thinkers
    of the "United Javakhk" but also everyone who dares to complain
    of the present situation. They also carry out economic terrorism,
    the last example is 10.000 US dollars bail for Armen Chakhalian,
    in spite of the attorney's proofs that Armen's arrest was illegal.

    Thus, a political procedure has started in Akhaltskha. And what
    is happening and will happen is of secondary importance. The most
    important thing is that from the first moment of the court sitting
    the struggle of the Armenians in Javakhk will come onto political
    platform and after that none of the Georgian statesmen can announce
    that "The Armenians of Georgia don't have problems".

    Thus, we call on everybody not to be disoriented and provoked and
    to be guided by the norms of the international law and Georgian
    legislation and in Javakhk, Armenia and Diaspora continue demanding
    from the Georgian authorities the following:

    - to release Armenian political prisoners

    - to organize a dialogue between the groups showing interest in the
    issues of the ethnic minorities and the civil society institutions,

    - to give a legal status to the Armenian Apostolic Church and other
    traditional churches in Georgia,

    - to return the temples of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the
    Roman Catholic Church expropriated in the Soviet period

    - to give a status to the Armenian language as an internal clerical
    and court language in Javakhk,

    - to establish an Armenian-Georgian bilingual university in Akhalkalaki
    based on corresponding educational program,

    - to involve Javakhk in all regional economic projects.