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US Iraq Invasion Only Success: Extermination of Aramaean Christianit

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  • US Iraq Invasion Only Success: Extermination of Aramaean Christianit

    American Chronicle, CA
    Dec 14 2008

    US Iraq Invasion´s Only Success: Extermination of Aramaean
    Oriental Christianity

    Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
    December 14, 2008

    While many other negative aspects of the US-led invasion of Iraq can
    be extensively discussed, what matters for Americans, Europeans,
    Russians, Latin Americans, and Christians worldwide is this:

    Irrespective of the reasons, the pretexts, the motives, and the
    methods involved in the operation of dethroning the Baath regime, the
    existence of a deviate plan (or the lack of any) for the colonial
    territory´s re-organization ended up in a terrible disaster for
    Oriental Christianity ` a historically significant component of the
    Islamic Middle East.

    One can ponder whether it is due to ignorance, incapacity and
    indifference or because of Western Christianity´s deep-seated
    rancor and hatred against the various denominations of Oriental
    Christianity, but the reality is there, and the figures are very
    clear: the outright majority of the Iraqi Christians, who are ethnic
    Aramaeans, have left abroad in order to escape the massacre that the
    Satanic administrations of pseudo-Christian Western countries
    mercilessly planned and delivered to them.

    In this case, the complicity is evident between Al Qaeda,
    pseudo-Kurdish terrorists Talabani and Barzani, the Assyrianist
    Aramaean group of renegades, and the evil US administration ` that
    criminally pretends to be Christian whereas it represents, along with
    Freemasonic corrupt regimes of colonial England and France, the focus
    of Anti-Christian Evil.

    The evacuation of the Aramaean Christians from Iraq represents only
    one bullet in the colonial agenda that will be completed with

    1) the war against Iran, and the ensuing chaos,

    2) the diffusion of social unrest in Eastern Turkey,

    3) the inception of a pseudo-Kurdish state, its precipitated Islamic
    radicalization, and further wars with its neighbors,

    4) the formation of a pseudo-Islamic regime of besotted fanatic and
    extremist pseudo-Muslims,

    5) the Islamic revolution in Europe, its devastating impact, and the
    rise of a European tyranny incommensurably more inhuman that Nazi
    Germany, and

    6) the subsequent clash between the tyrannical Europe and extremist
    Middle East in a face-off in which each part will describe the other
    as the ´State of the Antichrist´.

    An insightful into what happens nowadays in Iraq ` which is being kept
    secret from Western Christians readerships because of the evil
    Freemasonic journalism implemented by the totally anti-democratic and
    controlled western mass media ` is given in the following feature
    published a few days ago in the great Aramaean portals Aram Nahrin and
    Iraqi Christians.

    In it the evil role played by the Evangelical ministers of
    Anti-Christian hatred and Anti-Aramaean racism is plainly revealed and
    thoroughly denounced. I therefore re-publish it integrally.

    The hateful and malicious (spiritual) terror campaign of the
    Evangelical Broadcasting Channel against the Christian Aramean nation
    continues undiminished.

    The merciless Jesus of the West uses the apostate Arameans who call
    themselves "Assyrians" to extra-terrorize and taunt the persecuted,
    mutilated and humiliated Aramean people.

    Professor Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis says, "Obliterating
    ¦¦¦ one nation´s identity is a most criminal
    deed¦..". And the Evangelical Broadcasting channel is working very
    hard, since a long time, to achieve this unholy goal. They are working
    intensively with the pseudo- Assyrians who are engaged in terrorism -
    the ultimate product of the Western spiritual colonial activities in
    the Middle-East in the 16th and 19th centuries.

    On 15-4-2008 a coverage was broadcasted on the Aramean Christians in
    Iraq by the Evangelical Broadcasting Channel (EBC) in which falsely,
    willful and criminally our nation was presented as "Assyrians". This
    is not the first hateful, implacable and odious attempt by the
    Evangelical Broadcasting Channel in Holland to falsify the origin of
    our people in the name of the criminal and carnivorous Jesus of the
    West. This fake "Christians" seems so wicked, so thoroughly socked
    with hatred and so eager to continue with the immoral colonial
    intrigues of their forefather, that they seize every opportunity with
    both hands to spit at the face of the Aramean nation; truly we are
    dealing here with a genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. As a
    human rights organization we consider this malicious act of
    Evangelical Broadcasting Channel as:


    Because: this is the such-and-such cowardice and cunning attempt being
    undertaken to falsely present our people in Holland as "Assyrians", in
    the name of "Jesus" of the West- who definitely is not the Jesus
    Christ of the Bible. They work together with wicked people who are
    involved in terrorism as agreed between the terrorist organizations
    PKK and ADO.


    This is not the first time that some criminal racists within the
    Evangelical broadcasting channel wilfully try to distort the origin of
    the Aramean people by presenting them as "Assyrians" in spite of the
    letter we sent together with our bishops to the government of Iraq not
    to be identified as such.

    Hypocritical and rotten

    Because: they do everything to depict Islamists as barbaric and
    dehumanized, but neglect the fact that their forefathers carried out
    atrocities in the name of "Jesus" ` this of course should not be
    confused with the Jesus Christ of the Bible ` against the Aramean
    nation and they continue to do so. To present themselves as
    "civilized" and "sympathizers", they utterly crack down the Islamists
    and Islam. So evil, sneaky and dirty they are. All these unholy acts
    being carried in the name of "Jesus".


    The emotions are being manipulated in a dirty and ugly way and the
    sufferings of one group neglected while others being brought into the
    prominence. The viewer is falsely and deliberately being informed as
    though only Christians suffer in Iraq, while also hundreds of
    thousands Muslims, Yazidis and others are being killed, Mosques and
    other holy places of prayer being destroyed in mutual struggle between
    Sunnis and Shiites. In 2007, 175 Yazidis of the mountains of Shingal
    were killed by a care bomb attack. By some of the victims body parts
    were missing; others were literal immersed in their blood, many of
    them were wearing white clothes, which completely were painted red in
    their blood. Well then, don´t all these terrible events
    deserver to be mentioned as well?

    Immoral, criminal and objectionable

    Because: according what we know, they willingly made themselves the
    doormat of Madam Tunc, who according to our information has been
    involved with recruitment of youngster for the PKK at various
    occasions under the cover of "cultural" and "social"
    manifestations. In Iraq there are no more than 10.000 East-Aramean
    Nestorians who eventually might call themselves "Assyrians". The vast
    majority of Aramean Christians do not want to be identified with this
    fake immoral Western spiritual colonial name which has destroyed our
    nation. The Evangelical Broadcasting channel purposefully continues to
    maintain and develop the spiritual colonialism of their forefathers
    with devastating consequences for our nation.

    Low and below all the human standards and values

    Because: To our view only a beast and a completely dehumanized person
    is able to justify and glorify such destructive crimes of history

    The EBC presents itself as though they testify of Jesus Christ of the
    Bible. The word "Evangelism" implies that they want to spread the good
    news to the world, in this case to the Netherlands, to enlighten
    them. From this follows that those working with EBC, one may assume,
    are people who adheres to the goods news, thus follow Jesus Christ.

    Of course one cannot generalize this and say that everybody within the
    EBC have evil intentions; that would be wrong. On the contrary, there
    are pious and honest people within EBC who sincerely work for the
    goals the EBC stands for. Our criticism is only aimed at some immoral
    and hateful racists, having powerful media positions within ECB, who
    since a long time are waging a satanic spiritual war against the
    Aramean nation by presenting them as "Assyrians"- a genocidal and a
    unholy product of the colonial spiritual activities of the criminal
    Jesus of the West who brought about havoc in the Middle-East and have
    besmirched the name of Jesus Christ of the Bible by planting hatred
    and division within the Aramean nation. And the two "Christian"
    broadcasting channels ECB and NCRV continue with their satanic
    atrocities against our nation as if though their forefathers have a
    done a good and holy job.

    On the other hand, the noble forces within ECB should once make their
    voice heard against these filthy, racists and wicked people within
    ECB. Otherwise they are accessory to their satanic atrocities against
    the Aramean nation.

    These wicked forces within ECB started knowingly and brutally since
    2000 via diverse broadcastings to present our nation in the
    Netherlands as "Assyrians"- an objectionable and an immoral invention
    of their forefathers which has led to hatred, division and
    extermination of the Aramean nation.

    For this reason we are convinced that the Good News the ECB claim to
    preach has nothing to do with the Jesus Christ of the Bible, but is a
    continuation of the unholy and evil deeds of the Jesus of the West who
    has divided the Aramean nation by the invention of the fake
    identification "Assyrians" (product of Anglican mission together with
    England) and "Chaldeans" (product of Catholic mission together with
    French). Please also read in this regard our article "Following the
    American "Christians", now the Dutch Christians: Spiritual Crusades
    against the Aramean nation"

    ( rusade_Against_Aramean_Christians.htm)

    For this reason, we believe the sincerity some people within ECB claim
    to stand for is fake and is a horrible, evil spiritual terror against
    not only the Aramean nation, but also against others. As previously
    mentioned, for years they are active in the name of Jesus Christ of
    the Bible to distort the history of the Aramean people by presenting
    them as "Assyrians"- an unholy product invented by their
    forefathers. This is nothing but a criminal spiritual genocide.

    They are so de-humanized, wicked and evil that they do not feel bound
    by any rules or morality, they continue unhindered with their terror
    against our nation in the name of "Jesus".

    Jesus Christ of the Bible and Jesus of the West

    We cannot underscore enough to make clear that it is very important to
    understand that: The criminal and hate-generating Jesus of the West is
    definitely not the same as the true Jesus Christ of the Bible who is
    the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and revealed Himself to the world
    in human body.

    It was the criminal Jesus of the West who:

    1) initiated crusades in the Middle-East,

    2) has incited nations against each other,

    3) divided and exterminated many nations,

    4) is responsible for the worldwide problems and, last but not least

    5) is responsible for the horrible bloodbaths in Iraq.

    It was the same criminal Jesus of the West who initiated the genocide
    of the Arameans, Greeks and Armenians. In this way, the Jesus of the
    West has knocked off the Jesus Christ of the Bible of His Pedestal
    resulting in the decline of the true Christianity in the Western
    world. The true Christians are now a very small minority, while the
    satanic fake Christians form the overwhelming majority.

    To understand the difference between Jesus Christ of the Bible and
    Jesus of the West, it is revealing to watch a video by Kevin
    Annet. Annet is a courageous Christian preacher in Canada who tries to
    unmask the horrible face of Jesus of the West. The coverage deals with
    killings, sterilisation and medical experiments on the Aboriginals of
    Canada. Please watch the video very careful and shudder about the
    atrocities committed in the name of "Jesus" and how they are doing
    everything to cover up.

    Broadcast of Current Affairs Programme ´Het Netwerk´:
    15-4-2008 by presenter Tijs van den Brink.

    On Tuesday 15-4-2008 at 20:30 h the current affairs programme
    ´Het Netwerk´ was broadcasted by the Evangelical
    Broadcasting Channel. The presenter was Tijs van den Brink. Mr. Van
    den Brink became known to us as a wicked, senseless and a de-humanized
    racist who is utterly misusing his position to terrorize the Aramean
    nation, something which he also has done in the past.

    Background information: What is all about?

    Before continuing with our analyse, it is useful to provide the reader
    with some background information.

    It is important to know that Madam Tunc has made some racists of the
    Evangelical Broadcasting Channel her doormat to advertise the criminal
    colonial Western spiritual product "Assyrians". Madam Tunc is doing
    her best to accomplish the covenant between the PKK and GHB
    ( lliance_PKK_ADO_24_4_1993.htm). In
    fact she is following the script laid down by the terrorist
    organisations ADO and PKK.

    It is known since long time that some wicked and nefarious racists
    within EBC have made a covenant with madam and her family to distort
    the history of the Aramean indigenous nation, following the agreement
    made between ADO and PKK.

    Madam Tunc is an apostate Aramean who seizes every opportunity with
    both hands to distort the history of our nation by representing them
    by the satanic criminal name "Assyrians". She is a colonial
    product/victim of the immoral Western colonial perversity in the
    Middle-East and is being used by her "Christian" Western masters to
    taunt our nation. Madam is being glorified, promoted and used by the
    descendants of the wrongdoers of yesteryear, in this case the racists
    of the EBC to torment and terrorize our nation.

    Following the covenant made between PKK and ADO in 1993 to distort the
    history of the Aramean nation, madam organised together with her
    former comrade Fikri Aygur various activities in Holland and abroad
    with the aim to recruit youngsters for the PKK as agreed between ADO
    and PKK. Please find below some articles on their activities published
    in various newspapers: c_Aygur_TC_18_4_2000.htm
