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Are Kindergartens Corrupted Too?

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  • Are Kindergartens Corrupted Too?


    [12:46 pm] 16 December, 2008

    Kindergartens nationwide are collecting money from parents. In many
    districts, kindergartens are still heated with radiators or wood. That
    is why parents are obliged to make payments and this is the issue
    facing residents of the Malatia-Sebastia district.

    "They installed a wood heater to heat the rooms and made us each pay
    3,000 drams," complained a couple of residents of the district. "As
    if collecting 2,000 drams wasn't enough, now they want money for
    the winter. I paid 10,000 drams for my kids alone. If we don't pay,
    they tell us that the rest of the students are paying too," said one
    of the parents.

    Parents say that they are ready to pay more money as long as they
    don't face this issue each winter.

    Economist of the education department of the Malatia-Sebastia district
    council Gayane Antonyan told "A1+" that only 7 of the 23 kindergartens
    of district are heated.

    "The other kindergartens will be gasified by 2012. Until then,
    directors of kindergartens are forced to provide wood or radiators,"
    said Antonyan.

    The district council workers had no idea about this.

    "If the kindergarten can't provide the necessary heating, it is forced
    to close its doors in January and February. That happens anyway,
    because parents refuse to take their children to the kindergarten. As
    for collecting money, I have not received any alarm," said Gayane

    Meanwhile, during our visits to the kindergartens, many directors
    assured us that the district head, the district council administration
    and the head of the education department know that kindergartens are
    heated with wood and radiators.

    "They came and saw that we are using firewood and even praised us. They
    weren't the ones who bought the wood for us, so they know how we got
    it," they said and added that even in the case of heating parents
    will be forced to make payments for the gas.

    "The directors are left with all the expenses. We provide the service
    and the parents must pay us for that," said director of the #169
    kindergarten Gayane Sargsyan.

    "We have signed an agreement with the parents for the collecting
    money," said Sargsyan. However, parents denied that to "A1+".

    The aldermen of the Malatia-Sebastia district council have fixed
    5,000 drams for food at the kindergarten, while the minimum price
    for food in kindergartens is 6,000-7,000 drams. In addition to that,
    directors collect 1,000 or 2,000 drams from parents to take care of
    communal expenses.


    Most of the parents complained about the quality of nutrition. "They
    don't put up the menus and when we ask the children what they ate,
    they say rice with water," they said. Kindergarten directors said
    that it is hard to get high-calorie food with 230 drams a day. In an
    interview with "A1+

    The parents refused to give out their names with the fear that
    their teachers would treat them badly. But they did say that the
    kindergartens always collect money for carpets and curtains every year.

    Last year, the kindergarten collected 15,000 drams from parents to
    purchase robes for the graduating class and the robes stayed in the
    kindergarten after that. According to the parents, money is collected
    "more often" especially when the holidays come around when the parent
    committee "activists" collect money to buy presents for the teachers.