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What's Happening In The Syrian Embassy In Armenia?

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  • What's Happening In The Syrian Embassy In Armenia?


    15.12.2008 18:22 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Syrian Embassy in Yerevan has officially refuted
    information that the Embassy staff addressed the RA Foreign Ministry to
    complain about sexual harassment and inadequate behavior of Ambassador
    Abdul Hammed Sallum.

    The message received by PanARMENIAN.Net says that the Embassy staff
    denies having any problems with the Syrian diplomat.

    "This information is false. All we have witnessed is deferential
    attitude and courtesy. We regret that former employee circulated her
    personal complaint," the message says.

    On December 11, PanARMENIAN.Net received the following letter:

    "We, the staff of the Syrian Embassy in Armenia would like to draw
    your attention to an urgent issue, which has aroused vast grievance
    among the employees of the Embassy.

    When each of us was accepting their job at the Embassy of Syria in
    Armenia, he or she was happy because they thought that they would
    have to deal with serious diplomats from whom they could learn a great
    deal, as well as would be able to meet their financial needs. It was
    the case until 20 days ago.

    Before then the working atmosphere at the embassy was mild and
    friendly. The employees would work with the diplomats as with
    friends. None of our rights was ever violated: the employees of the
    embassy had never seen the Ambassador in underwear, female employees
    had never received dating proposal from the Ambassador who threatened
    them to fire immediately if they rejected. Shortly after working for
    two weeks the new Ambassador dismissed the cook (female) working in
    his house, as if upon her own resignation note.

    The resignation note had not been written by the cook and the
    reason could not be mentioned naturally. That immoral decision
    was made knowing that the woman was the only one working in the
    family. Moreover, just for the sake of diplomatic correctness the
    author of the decision did not even wish to receive and talk to
    that woman for the last time who had lost her job by a pen stroke,
    who was highly virtuous, possessed higher education degree and who
    fulfilled all her duties. The reason for dismissal was claimed to be
    the absence of knowledge of Arabic.

    Now most of the employees of the Embassy who are citizens of the
    Republic of Armenia and have high sense of dignity are under the threat
    of losing their jobs. Those who gave us our jobs at the embassy were
    also ambassadors, and not knowing Arabic has had no role in losing
    jobs so far.

    We request considering all the information we have provided since it
    is truthful. We have high hopes that friendly relationships between
    our countries will never allow that Ambassador Abdul Hammed Sallum
    change the Embassy staff due to personal needs.