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The First Crusade: For Faith And Plunder

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  • The First Crusade: For Faith And Plunder

    Dec 15 2008

    The princes, knights, peasants and pilgrims who answered the pope's
    call for the First Crusade in 1095 were driven by many different
    motivations, writes Conor Kostick

    On 27 November 1095 Pope Urban II launched the call for a crusade to
    win Jerusalem and the other holy places in Palestine for the Roman
    Catholic church.

    This "call to the cross" came at a time of deep social turmoil in
    Europe. In 1094 and 1095 Europe was devastated by floods, famine and
    plagues leaving millions destitute.

    The following year, tens of thousands of people of all backgrounds left
    their homes in Europe to march on Jerusalem. The "people's crusade" set
    off under the influence of popular preachers such as Peter the Hermit.

    Some of these crusaders organised Europe's first mass pogroms against
    the Jewish communities of the Rhineland, Bavaria and Rouen.

    Later that year the "Prince's crusade", comprising four major armies
    from Lotharingia, northern France, southern France and Italy, joined
    the crusades.

    Among them were many thousands of knights - professional warriors who
    lived for the chase. If they were not waging war they were hunting,
    and the horse that they rode gave them not only military prowess but
    a social status that was greater than that of the foot soldiers.

    Even greater throngs of more lowly non-combatants tried to keep
    pace with those trained for war. Farmers sold their lands and tools,
    except for a plough and a few animals. Hitching a cart to their oxen,
    they placed their remaining possessions in the vehicle, put their
    children on top and set out for the Holy Land.


    Bonded peasants, the serfs, ran from the prospect of lifelong toil
    to obtain freedom in the ranks of the "Army of God". With little more
    than a few coins, and dependent upon "the bounty of God", they joined
    the crusade to escape their oppression.

    Among the crowds were thousands of women. Their presence dismayed
    the senior clergy, but popular preachers distributed alms to them so
    that they could find husbands and protectors. Some women disguised
    themselves as men to cast off the role that had been assigned to them
    from birth.

    As the great armies snaked their way along the old Roman roads, elderly
    men, monks, nuns, artisans and peasants joined the expedition. The
    poor escorted the princes and the glittering knights, who in turn
    felt some responsibility for their protection.

    As this army of pilgrims marched east it plundered the Balkans,
    clashed with eastern Christians of the Byzantine empire and sacked
    the Armenian Christian city of Edessa before fighting repeatedly with
    Turkish tribes and Arab forces.

    They died in great numbers. Ships full of pilgrims sank in the
    Adriatic. Stragglers left trails of dead across hundreds of miles,
    especially once the armies were south east of the Alps and could no
    longer count on the sympathy of Catholic Christian towns.

    Once in Muslim territory enormous numbers perished, both in battle
    and from the hardship of desert, mountain and disease.

    Contemporary accounts of the First Crusade help us understand how
    different social groupings took up the crusade in different ways,
    sometimes leading to clashes between them.

    These tensions came to the surface when the expedition stalled from
    July 1098 to May 1099.

    The princes showed no interest in continuing the march to Jerusalem
    and sought to establish lordships for themselves in what is today
    southern Turkey, Lebanon and Syria.

    It was popular pressure that provided the impetus to drive the
    army towards Jerusalem, a popular movement that was radical and
    insubordinate towards to the senior figures on the crusade. But it
    was also ruthlessly murderous towards the local populations.

    This was not simply because of the religious ideas the low-ranking
    crusaders adhered to but also because intended to make a new life for
    themselves, free from servility, by taking over the homes and lands
    of those they had slain.

    It also became clear that a previously unrecognised type of person
    was present on the First Crusade. They played a key role as the "shock
    troops" of the movement - the first into battle, first on to the walls
    of a besieged city, rash, impetuous and thirsty for fame. These were
    senior nobles who had yet to establish families or careers and were
    termed as "iuvenes".

    Recent discussion of the First Crusade has been dominated by those
    who argue that it was a spiritual endeavour.

    However, eyewitness accounts describe these iuvenes as extremely
    violent, both towards non-Christian enemies and to fellow Christians
    on their return to Europe.

    They sought glory in battle, slaughtered both combatants and civilians
    and revelled in displays of their riding ability.

    The chance of seizing new lands in the east was one of the great
    motivations for joining a crusade as competition for land in Europe
    among the princes and knights was in danger of triggering endless wars.

    But their motivation for joining the crusade was not strictly a
    hunger for land and booty. The violence of these bands of knights
    in search of the opportunity to prove their military prowess was
    destabilising Europe.

    More than one clerical author breathed a sigh of relief that the
    destructive energy of the knightly order had been deflected by the
    idea of attacking an external non-Christian enemy.

    When the crusaders finally captured Jerusalem on 15 July 1099, the
    streets of a city famed for its religious tolerance were full of
    rotting corpses of its Muslim and Jewish inhabitants. Over 40,000
    are believed to have been killed in a few hours.

    Social class

    Overall, the motivation of those who took part in the First Crusade
    was as diverse as the various social classes who took part.

    The balance between spiritual and material considerations varied
    considerably from social group to social group.

    And figures displaying considerable devotion to the spiritual goals
    of the expedition as well of those of a more cynical disposition
    could be found within each class.

    What my new history attempts is an account of how such a diversity
    of outlook affected the history of the crusade and it also explains
    the particular violence that was unleashed on Jerusalem.

    Over time, and despite further crusades to the Middle East, Christian
    Europe could not maintain its presence in the region. It was a brutal
    society but one which was economically and culturally inferior to
    that of the Muslims.

    For the aristocrats and knights the fall of Jerusalem in 1187 to Salah
    el-Din's (Saladin) army was a disaster. They fled back to Europe,
    their lands and property passing to the Muslim princes. Unlike the
    fall of the city to the crusaders, there was no massacre.

    Many of the settlers remained in the region and gained protection
    under the new rulers. The final defeat of the crusades put a stop to
    these endless wars allowing the descendants of the pilgrims to live
    in peace - many can still be found today along the coastal areas of
    Lebanon and Syria.