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Tehran, Yerevan Sign MoU With 71 Articles

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  • Tehran, Yerevan Sign MoU With 71 Articles


    Iranian Students News Agency ISNA
    Dec 15 2008

    TEHRAN, Dec. 15 (ISNA)-Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki announced
    Iran and Armenia have inked a Memorandum of Understanding with 71

    Energy, oil, gas, petrochemistry, environment, commerce, banking,
    transportation, industry, agriculture, tourism, culture, health,
    science and training are the fields they have agreed to cooperate on.

    According to Mottaki in his joint press conference with Armenian
    Energy and Natural Resources Minister Armen Movsisyan on Monday
    energy, electricity generation, gas pipeline and transportation are
    the domains in which the two countries have took big steps.

    Presidents of both countries during the last 3 years have emphasized
    they must expand bilateral ties and there have been good steps in
    this regard, he noted as expressing satisfaction over mounting and
    flourishing relations.

    He also added they rebuild of Iran's railway to run to Caucasus,
    north and east of Europe and Iran-Armenia railway on the agenda.

    Mottaki then said officials are seeking for holding new round of
    meeting between Iran and Armenia's presidents in Tehran.

    Mottaki meanwhile explained the reason he has not attended Paris
    talks on Afghanistan's security and development was the lack of polite
    hosting manners by French officials.

    Over Gaza Strip crisis he stressed the international community and
    the United Nations are responsible for the inhuman condition in the
    troubled region.

    The Zionist regime must not feel that governments and international
    organizations do not pay enough attention to condemn the criminal
    measures and do not take a step to prevent these moves, he added.

    Over the recent years Iran has contacted with foreign ministers of
    Egypt, Syria, Malaysia, Senegal, some member states of Organization
    of Islamic Countries (OIC) and Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and has
    proposed suggestions which are being studied, he added.

    Iran tries to set up an emergency meeting of OIC foreign ministers and
    Senegal as the current chief of the organization will start pursuing
    the request, he said.

    Also Iran seeks to arrange a meeting at the UN General Assembly to
    resolve Gaza issue and Tehran's mission at the UN is working on the
    case, he continued.

    Getting humanitarian aids to Gaza must be done through its neighbors
    and Egypt is expected to cooperate in this regard, he said.

    Foreign Minister announced Iran intends to dispatch 2000 tonnes of
    essentials to Gaza by ship and Tehran hopes UN and Egypt help the
    shipment reach 1.5 million Gazans.

    Armen Movsisyan on his part regarding the new inaugurated gas pipeline
    said "soon the pragmatic formula of gas in return for electricity
    will be implemented."

    Early December a pipeline beginning in Iran and ending in Armenia was
    inaugurated to carry Iran's gas to the country, in return Yerevan will
    supply part of north Iran's electricity. The pipeline is significant
    since it may be a substitute for Russia's gas which reaches Armenia
    through Georgia and mostly in case it decides to cut the gas export.

    The two officials have held their 8th joint economic commission Monday
    morning where they discussed global economic meltdown and the ways
    to make short work of its negative effects on the region.