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ANKARA: The Compelling Case Of Turkey's Constitution

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  • ANKARA: The Compelling Case Of Turkey's Constitution

    By Liam Hardy

    Today's Zaman
    Dec 15 2008

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - Turkish Foreign Minister and chief negotiator for
    the EU Ali Babacan, speaking at a NATO foreign ministers meeting two
    weeks ago, mentioned that the Turkish Constitution as it stands now
    will not help Turkey move forward with its reform agenda.

    This resonates with a statement made in September by EU Commissioner
    for Enlargement Olli Rehn that constitutional reform would greatly
    accelerate Turkey's EU accession process and could "break the cycle"
    of political crises in the country -- such as last year's presidential
    election crisis and this year's Constitutional Court case to disband
    the ruling political party.

    Although debate over changing the Constitution has waned immensely
    over the past year, Babacan has rightly called attention to an issue
    that has important implications for Turkey. The current Constitution,
    which was implemented under Turkish military rule in 1982, has caused
    some serious headaches. Many elements within Turkey argue that the
    current Constitution limits basic rights and freedoms, including the
    freedom of speech, religious expression and association.

    Both for internal steadiness as well as greater EU compatibility,
    debate has focused in the past on creating a new constitution that
    functions more democratically and better ensures the rights and
    freedoms of all Turkish citizens. A renewed energy must emerge from
    Turkey's political parties and civil society for action to take place
    anytime soon. However, recent history and the government's current
    workload also make this a challenging task.

    Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) made an
    effort to draft a new constitution after the 2007 elections, but the
    party made some serious missteps. They attempted to create a draft in
    secrecy without involving other political parties or institutions. The
    draft was then leaked to the press.

    Soon thereafter, the constitutional amendments to allow headscarves
    in universities and the trial charging the AK Party for violating
    secularism created a major distraction. Meanwhile, other events have
    taken center stage: increased violence from the Kurdistan Workers'
    Party (PKK), the Russia-Georgia conflict, renewed ties with Armenia,
    mediation between Syria and Israel, the global economic crisis and
    the scandal surrounding the clandestine group Ergenekon, which some
    allege was plotting a coup and others believe was an excuse used by
    the government to arrest its critics.

    As a result, debate over a new constitution has been sitting on
    the shelf.

    More conservative Turks have argued that the current Constitution
    has been amended so frequently (79 articles have been changed and 13
    amendments added in 26 years), that only some additional amendments
    would be necessary. Others, particularly in academia and civil society,
    insist that a constitutional convention should be called and a complete
    revision generated, claiming that the spirit of the document needs
    to be renewed.

    A new draft would most likely strengthen the parliamentary system,
    reduce powers of the presidency, reform the judicial process and
    clearly define individual freedoms.

    An attempt to renew Turkey's Constitution could be as daunting, and
    perhaps as dangerous, as open heart surgery. However, many sectors
    of society have been calling for change, claiming that Turkey
    has progressed far beyond its days of military rule and that its
    Constitution must reflect this.

    Yet, convincing political leaders that such reforms are necessary
    sooner rather than later, and sustaining the political will to
    carry them out, will be challenging. Still stinging from the
    embarrassment of the recent attempts to change the Constitution,
    those in power are unlikely to risk taking up this issue again in the
    near future. Additionally, there are many regional issues involving
    Turkey that will keep the government occupied.

    However, judging from the comments of Foreign Minister Babacan and
    other leaders, addressing challenges and moving ahead with reforms
    must be done within a solid constitutional framework, and a renewed
    and vibrant debate over the Constitution would be healthy for Turkey's

    *Liam Hardy is an independent researcher on issues related to Turkey
    and the region. This article was written for the Common Ground News
    Service (CGNews).