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"We Should Try To Gather In This Land And Look At The Future:" Inter

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  • "We Should Try To Gather In This Land And Look At The Future:" Inter


    Noyan Tapan
    Dec 15, 2008

    YEREVAN, DECEMBER 15, NOYAN TAPAN. A conception-program on repatriation
    will be worked out in Armenia and according to RA Minister of Diaspora
    Hranush Hakobian, a deep, scientific study of repatriation experience
    of the Soviet period should be conducted for it. Besides, as the
    Minister affirmed it, programs should be worked out contributing
    to repatriation of thought and spirit, study of resources and
    possibilities both in Armenia and in the Diaspora, clarification
    of problems and tasks regarding repatriation, ways and methods of
    repatriation fulfillment.

    As Hranush Hakobian mentioned at the opening of the 3-day international
    conference under the title 1946-48 Repatriation and Its Lessons:
    Repatriation Problems Today held in Armenia, world repatriation
    experience, national and international legislation regarding
    repatriation should be also studied.

    According to the Minister, the conference, very likely, announces the
    start of a new type and new quality of Armenian people's repatriation,
    first of all, repatriation of spirit and thought, return to the
    Armenian identity.

    The conference has a goal to analyse all mistakes, omissions of the
    past, to listen to all specialists, and to come to a right conclusion.

    In his greeting speech to conference participants RA President Serzh
    Sargsyan, in particular, mentioned that "The state will do its best
    to contribute to establishment and preservation of Armenian national
    identity, as well as to repatriation. It will not only contribute to
    Armenians' physical return to the homeland, but also will assist to
    the everyday struggle of our brothers and sisters against assimilation
    in foreign lands.

    "The homeland always waits for its sons, it is never late to return,"
    President's message read.

    The message of Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II read that
    repatriation is not only RA state, but also national problem. "Only
    fragments have remained from our mighty colonies today. Today our
    compatriots face the danger of physical and spiritual extermination
    in the Diaspora."

    RA Ombudsman Armen Haroutiunian mentioned in his greeting speech
    that first of all we should create a democratic, legal homeland, if
    the situation in the human rights sphere remains the same as it is,
    an Armenian, for instance, living in France will not try to come
    to Armenia.

    ARFD Bureau member, RA NA ARFD faction head Vahan Hovhannisian
    emphasized: "Only those, who share and make part of Armenian people's
    collective fate, are Armenian." According to V. Hovhannisian's
    evaluation, dual citizenship is the only right legal way of
    repatriation, but the dual citizenship institution is not completely
    and effectively used in society so far.

    VivaCell company Director General Ralph Yirikian presented those
    present with his experience of returning to the homeland and addressed
    two calls to those present: to Armenians abroad: "come, see, breathe
    Armenia's air," and to Armenians living in Armenia not to leave
    Armenia: "Let's work together and make prosperous the country together
    and show to the world that we, Armenians are not 3 million, we are 10
    million, we should try to gather in this land and look at the future."