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Henceforth Rosgosstrakh-Armenia To Insure Deposits With Ameriabank

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  • Henceforth Rosgosstrakh-Armenia To Insure Deposits With Ameriabank


    Noyan Tapan
    Dec 16, 2008

    YEREVAN, DECEMBER 16, NOYAN TAPAN. Ameriabank has signed an agreement
    with Rosgosstrakh-Armenia insurance company, by which henceforth
    natural persons' deposits of any amount with Ameriabank will be
    completely insured, irrespective of the currency, the director
    general of Ameriabank Artak Hanesian announced at the December 16
    press conference.

    He said that under the law, deposits of up to 2 million drams (about
    6.5 million USD) are guaranteed by the Deposit Payment Guaranteeing
    Fund, while all deposits of over 2 million drams with Ameriabank will
    be insured by Rosgosstrakh-Armenia. A. Hanesian pointed out that not
    only new deposits but also those made in the past will be insured. He
    informed those present that the total amount of deposits subject to
    insurance makes about 8 million USD now.

    In the words of A. Hanesian, the authorized capital of Ameriabank
    amounts to 18.2 billion drams, which is the highest index in
    the Armenian banking system. The overall capital grew 4.5fold in
    January-November 2008 and makes about 20 billion drams, while overall
    assets grew 5fold as compared with early 2008 and make more than
    45 billion drams. The bank's credit portfolio amounts to 28 billion
    drams and it is envisaged increasing it to 30 billion drams by the end
    of 2008. The deposit accounts amount to 12 billion drams - against
    3.7 billion drams in early 2008. It was mentioned that Ameriabank's
    profit currently makes 830 million drams, but it will also increase
    by late 2008.

    A. Hanesian said Ameriabank is continuing discussions on purchase of
    a bank in Armenia. "We are now examining the indices of some banks so
    as to make final decisions on either a merger or purchase of a bank,"
    he noted.

    According to him, the global financial crisis has not had an impact
    on Ameriabank and on the whole banking system of Armenia. "However,
    we currently examine the market more carefully and cooperate with
    other banks in order to avoid possible risks," A. Hanesian said,
    adding that the situation and tendencies in foreign financial markets
    are in the center of their attention.