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Speaker Of RA National Assembly Pays Official Visit To China

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  • Speaker Of RA National Assembly Pays Official Visit To China


    Noyan Tapan
    Dec 16, 2008

    YEREVAN, DECEMBER 16, NOYAN TAPAN. The delegation headed by the
    speaker of the RA National Assembly Hovik Abrahamian was received
    by the chairman of the Standing Committee of All-Chinese Assembly U
    Bango on December 15. The Armenian ambassador to China Armen Sargsyan
    was present at the meeting.

    According to the RA National Assembly PR Department, U. Bango stated
    that this visit will become a new stimulus for developing the relations
    between the two countries.

    H. Arahamian said that the speaker of the Chinese parliament was
    expected to pay a visit to Yerevan in May, but the destructive
    earthquake prevented Mr. U Bango from leaving China. Conveying the
    Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan's regards and wishes of success to
    the Chinese president Hu Jintao, Hovik Abrahamian asked to pass to him
    the invitation to come on an official visit to Armenia. He underlined
    that the traditional friendly links of the Armenian and Chinese peoples
    are continuing nowadays, which is evident from the political dialog and
    mutual visits at the high level, the consistent expansion and deepening
    of mutually beneficial cooperation in the social-political, economic,
    scientific and cultural spheres. The cooperation and mutual assistance
    at the international level have deepened the trust of the sides. The
    speaker of the RA National Assembly attached special importance to
    the joint projects being implemented in such spheres as chemistry,
    energy, agriculture, science and technology, defence, and culture.

    Speaking about interparliamentary relations, H. Abrahamian said that
    deputy friendship groups function at two parliaments, expressing
    his support for promotion of their activities. He pointed out that
    Armenia attaches great importance to consistent development of
    friendship and cooperation with China, and considerable potential
    exists in this respect, taking the opportunities of two countries
    into consideration. He underlined the importance of identifying new
    possibilities of cooperation under conditions of the global financial
    crisis, which will help reduce the impact of the crisis. H. Abrahamian
    invited U. Bango to pay an official visit to Armenia.

    The chairman of the Standing Committee of the All-Chinese Assembly
    U. Bango said that he will pass the invitation of the Armenian
    president to Hu Jintao. Mr. Bango also restated his intention to
    visit Armenia which was delayed by the earthquake. He noted the
    significance of the Declaration on Cooperation signed by the presidents
    of two countries in 2004, after which the bilateral relations began
    developing rapidly. It was mentioned that the bilateral cooperation
    has given good results in the economic sphere as well: in particular,
    the trade growth made 51% last year. U. Bango expressed a high
    opinion about cooperation in energy and mining industry. The Chinese
    government allocated gratis 15 million yuans to Armenia with the
    aim of encouraging economic cooperation. Noting that Armenia is a
    reliable partner for China, U. Bango spoke about the necessity to
    establish closer interparliamentary links. He expressed satisfaction
    at the fact that during his visit, the speaker of the RA National
    Assembly will also go to Hainan Province famous for its dynamically
    developing industry: chemical industry, mechanical engineering,
    petroleum industry, tourism, adding that programs on foundation of
    joint ventures may be worked out as a result of this visit.

    During the meeting H. Abrahamian and U. Bangi signed a memorandum of
    mutual understanding, cooperation and exchange of experience, restating
    the willingness to develop friendly relations and cooperation. Noting
    that interparliamentary links are an essential component of
    interstate relations, the memorandum emphasizes the importance of
    making contacts of the parliaments more active both in the bilateral
    and multilateral formats in order to strengthen mutual understanding
    and trust and increase the scope of common opinions. The memorandum
    asserts a willingness to deepen the coordination of consultations and
    positions on bilateral and international relations. The memorandum
    stresses the importance of encouraging contacts of the parliamentary
    committees, exchanging legislative experience in trade, economic,
    agricultural, energy, educational, cultural and environmental spheres,
    and establishing closer links between the friendship groups. The
    memorandum pays great attention to cooperation of the two parliaments
    in terms of international relations by organizing frequent meetings
    of delegations and consultations at international organizations.

    In the words of the speakers of the parliaments of Armenia and China,
    this memorandum is the first document between the two parliaments
    and opens a new page of cooperation in interparliamentary relations.