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Fish Price Has Gone Up

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  • Fish Price Has Gone Up


    [02:53 pm] 17 December, 2008

    Armenian fishmongers complain that fish market prices have abruptly
    gone up in Armenia.

    "Last year we sold at least 50 kg fish a day but this year we sell
    up to 20 kg fish," said Armen who sells fish at the so-called GUM
    market. Armen has been doing the same business for ten years but
    never has he had such a "no-go" trade. The reason for that is the
    recent increase in fish prices.

    "If a few weeks ago we sold fish at 1500-1600 drams today a kilo costs
    1800-2000 drams as fishery managers have advanced the prices. We can
    no longer sell fish at the same price as we have to pay for the booth
    and our employees," complained fishmongers.

    Fishmonger Erik stated that fish prices have gone up by 20-25 %. For
    example, last year they sold sturgeon at 1800-2000 drams a kilo. This
    year the price mounts to 2500-3000 drams.

    We used to eat fish once or twice a week. But today we cannot afford
    such a luxury and buy fish only on holidays," Yerevan citizen Anahit
    said to A1+.

    Fishmongers complained that food prices generally go gown in the
    world on the eve of New Year whereas in Armenia they shoot up at a
    terrific speed.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress