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Assembly: Congressman Kirk Named Co-Chair of The Armenian Caucus

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  • Assembly: Congressman Kirk Named Co-Chair of The Armenian Caucus

    Armenian Assembly of America
    1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
    Washington, DC 20036
    Phone: 202-393-3434
    Fax: 202-638-4904
    Email: [email protected]


    December 17, 2008
    Contact: Michael A Zachariades
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (202) 393-3434


    Washington, DC - The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) echoed
    Representatives Frank Pallone's (D-NJ) and Joe Knollenberg's (R-MI)
    welcome of the selection of Congressman Mark Kirk (R-IL) as the incoming
    Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues. Congressman
    Kirk succeeds Co-Chair Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), who will be retiring at
    the end of the 110th Congress.

    "After 20 years of working with the Armenian-American community to
    advance U.S.-Armenia issues, I am honored and excited to serve alongside
    Congressman Pallone as co-chair of the Caucus on Armenia Issues," Kirk
    said. "The Caucus on Armenian Issues is well-known for its work to
    strengthen the U.S.-Armenia relationship and recognize the Armenian
    Genocide. I look forward to working with Congressman Pallone and all
    members of the Caucus to advance the U.S.-Armenia relationship in the
    111th Congress."

    First elected to the House of Representatives in 2000, Congressman Kirk
    succeeded John Porter (R-IL), who served as the first Republican
    Co-Chair of the Caucus. Rep. Kirk represents the 10th district of
    Illinois, which is located north of Chicago, along Lake Michigan and is
    home to St. George Armenian Apostolic Church. Congressman Kirk serves on
    the Appropriations Committee and sits on the State, Foreign Operations,
    and Related Programs Subcommittee, responsible for determining crucial
    funding to Armenia, and Financial Services.

    During his tenure in Congress, Rep. Kirk has co-sponsored numerous
    Armenian Genocide resolutions and made several statements in support of
    reaffirmation. In addition, he has supported resolutions calling for
    Permanent Normal Trade Relations with Armenia, and was a cosponsor of
    H.Res. 3361, which prevented tax-payer funding of a rail bypass of

    Jim Keledjian, ARAMAC Illinois State Chair said, "We are extremely happy
    to have Rep. Kirk Co-Chair the Armenian Caucus. He has been a strong
    advocate of Armenian interests throughout his tenure in the House of
    Representatives and even prior as staff of former Caucus Co-chair, Rep.

    "The Assembly congratulates Congressman Kirk on this new role and
    extends its sincere appreciation to outgoing Caucus Co-Chair
    Knollenberg," said Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "Nearly 90
    percent of the Caucus is returning in the 111th Congress and we look
    forward to working with Representative Kirk and the entire Caucus. The
    Assembly's 2009 Advocacy Conference and Banquet in Washington, DC next
    March will help ensure continued success in the 111th Congress."

    An Illinois native, Representative Kirk attended the Universidad
    Nacional Autonoma de Mexico before graduating cum laude in History from
    Cornell. He holds a Masters Degree from the London School of Economics
    and a Juris Doctor from Georgetown.

    Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
    Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding
    and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt
    membership organization.


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    copying of this communication or any part thereof is strictly
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    communication in error, please notify us immediately by facsimile (202)
    638-4904 or by telephone at (202) 393-3434, and destroy this
    communication and all copies thereof. Thank you.