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Armenian Tourism Industry Tends To Loose Its Advantage Of A Good Qua

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  • Armenian Tourism Industry Tends To Loose Its Advantage Of A Good Qua

    Aram Gareginyan


    Interview with Marketing consultant of Armenian Tourism Development
    Agency and USAID/CAPS in Italy, Nadia Pasqual

    Ms. Pasqual, which tourism fairs in Italy have been visited by Armenian
    tour operators in 2007 - 2008? Speak on the impact of the participation
    on the Italian tourism market.

    This year, together with 5 Armenian tour operators, ATDA (Armenian
    Tourism Development Agency), governmental entity that is entitled to
    promote Armenian tourism abroad, has participated to BIT - the most
    influential international tourism fair in Italy, which has been held
    on February 21 - 24 in Milan. The Armenian stand has been visited
    by dozens of tour operators and journalists, who were interested in
    visiting the country to provide coverage for specialzed editions. To
    those editions was distributed a package of information on Armenia,
    as well as maps, brochures in Italian and CDs with images. Relations
    with journalists are essential to obtain maximum visibility of Armenia
    - either commercial, to attract more tour operators, or general - to
    ensure the attention of milions of "would-be" tourists. In 2007, as a
    result of ties, which had been set at BIT and another international
    tourism fair in Rome, GLOBE, ATDA e CAPS organized two fam trips,
    which brought to Armenia 11 journalists and 9 representatives of tour
    operators. Eventually, only in 2007 Armenia had been a headline of
    more than 50 articles, acquiring desired visibility for more than a
    million of readers and 13 000 tourism enterprises. In that same period,
    the number of tour operators to sell trips to Armenia has grown by 20%.

    >From the beginning of 2008, another 30 articles on Armenia have
    appeared in Italian tourism editions. At BIT, Armenian operators have
    had an opportunity to establish new business contacts and refresh
    the existing ones. As for now, more than 50 tour operators and travel
    agencies in Italy sell trips to Armenia. Most of them have included
    Armenia into their catalogues and Internet sites.

    For various reasons, Armenia chose not to participate to the GLOBE
    08 travel fair in March, held in Rome. Instead, they selected TTG
    Incontri, the most notable business to business travel trade fair
    in Italy, held in Rimini on October 24 - 26. With its participation
    to those venues, Armenia intends to enforce its image as a favorable
    tourism destination on the Italian market, which showed a continuous
    trend of considerable increase of leisure tourist arrivals to
    Armenia. Number of Italian visitors, registered at the information
    center in Yerevan, has grown to approximately 62% in 2007 compared
    to 2006. The pace of growth of Italian visitors, in terms of tourist
    arrivals, is the third highest among European countries and absolutely
    highest among European countries which do not have direct aerial
    communications. These data confirm the success of the global approach,
    executed by ATDA and CAPS in the promotion of Armenian tourism.

    The promotion, with its target to geographic marketing, along
    with professional quality activities, meant that Italian tourists
    and tourism industry now know the country better. Before that, the
    promotion of Armenia would come to the participation to one tourism
    fair yearly, with an opaque impact on the market.

    On the whole, what operational opportunities does the Italian market
    provide for Armenian tour operators?

    The Italian tourism market, with its annual turnover of approximately
    20 bln euro, is the fourth largest market of outgoing tourism in Europe
    and the sixth in the world. That is why, after a thorough analysis,
    regular promotional activities have been launched, which made it
    possible for the Italian tourists and operators to discover Armenia
    as a destination. The work was ever more important, considering that
    before the participation of Armenia to external tourism fairs had
    not been backed with PR and marketing activities. I suppose that
    investments in the promotion of Armenian tourism will be continued
    and expanded in Italy in the near future, because the Italian market
    is very dynamic and interested in Armenia.

    Armenia was featured in the "La Stella del Sud" ("The Southern Star ")
    television broadcast. What impact has it had on the Italian audience
    and business community?

    The show attracted certain attention. Despite not very favorable
    airtime - 9.30 a.m. on Sunday morning, it gathered more than 22% of
    audience share. I have not directly been contacted by the audience,
    because the Armenian tourism agency had not been mentioned. But quite
    a number of tour operators contacted me shortly after to reiterate
    the necessity of major investments to get Armenia publicized through
    TV and other advertisement formats.

    What actions or programs have been planned for the near future to
    promote Armenia as a tourism destintaion in Italy?

    At the end of October Armenia participated at TTG Incontri travel
    fair in Rimini. Besides, the official Armenian tourism website, is being restyled and translated into Italian. We
    look forward to increasing the distribution of new booklets in Italian,
    which we hope to distribute also through the Armenian Embassy in Rome,
    and offering the opportunity to Italian tour operators to reprint
    them. The organization of further fam trips for tour operators and
    journalists and a roadshow for tour agents in the largest cities of
    Italy is also being considered.

    What factors are mostly cited by Italian tour operators as primary
    obstacles for their activities in Armenia?

    Italian tour operators complain for high prices for accommodation and
    the=2 0lack of parking areas with bars and toilets along the roads
    in the regions.

    They did not say what the desirable prices should be, but they
    complain that the prices for services of all kinds are constantly
    moving up, and the hotels are among the most expensive items in
    package tours. With all this, the prices are still acceptable - in
    fact, traveling through Armenia is attractive for its good ratio of
    quality and price, let alone the novelty of the destination, which
    in Italy is still little known.

    What kind of package holidays are most demanded by Italian tourists?

    Italians are mostly interested in cultural tourism of traditional
    format (guided tours). Demand for natural tourism and adventure
    tourism is growing, but they attract only small groups of people
    at the moment. For now, promotional efforts are focused on gaining
    renown for Armenia as a destination of cultural tourism. In the
    future, it would be interesting to promote natural tourism - mostly
    for independent tourists and the younger ones.

    Thank you