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Georgy Petrosian: Official Baku's Policy Aimed At Endangering Region

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  • Georgy Petrosian: Official Baku's Policy Aimed At Endangering Region


    Noyan Tapan
    Dec 17, 2008

    YEREVAN, DECEMBER 17, NOYAN TAPAN. Azeri side's attempts aimed
    at thrusting upon the mediators and international community their
    own views of both Nagorno Karabakh problem and its settlement ways
    through various international forums is not news for us. NKR Foreign
    Minister Georgy Petrosian stated this in response to journalists'
    questions. According to him, within the framework of this policy
    official Baku makes various tricks, in particular, presents itself
    as a victim in the aggression it started against the NKR people and
    veils its goals with slogans of European values and democracy. While
    Azeri leadership's latest statements, according to G. Petrosian, in
    particular, Ilham Aliyev's unique commentary upon Moscow Declaration's
    points, that is, denial of conflict settlement in a peaceful way,
    as well as Azeri settlement principles show the whole hypocricy of
    Azeri democracy and reduce to zero international community's all
    attempts to look for problem settlement ways.

    As the NKR Foreign Minister affirmed, at all stages of Nagorno Karabakh
    problem development the Azeri side has always been the main bearer of
    force solution. The calculation on force resulted in ethnic slaughters
    and deportation of Armenians from Sumgayit, Baku, Kirovabad, and other
    former Azeri SSR populated areas, which was followed by the Koltso
    (Circle) operation aimed at forcible deportation of Armenian villages
    of Nagorno Karabakh's Shahumian, Hadrut, and Shoushi regions. According
    to G. Petrosian, during the conflict military stage Baku repeatedly
    avoided to limit and to stop military operations, failed ceasefire
    agreements, was the first and repeated violator of UN Security Council
    four resolutions, did not completely and in time fulfill their demand
    and appeal. After concluding a truce the Azeri leadership actively
    purchased a great number of attacking ammunition by strengthening the
    arms race and continued threatening to the Nagorno Karabakh Republic
    to resume military operations. Official Baku's policy to endanger
    regional peace being the main precondition for implementation of
    international investment programs and socio-economic development
    becomes a serious threat for stability and security of not only NKR,
    but also the whole region.

    The NKR Foreign Minister affirmed that the current status quo is the
    result of Azerbaijan's aggression against NKR and its people and its
    further military operations and as the war initiator Azerbaijan bears
    the whole responsibility for its consequences. The created status
    quo is the minimum that permitted to ensure NKR and its people's
    security and independence under the circumstance of Azerbaijan's
    aggression. "The change of that status quo, in our opinion, inevitably
    will result in situation's destabilization, strengthening of tension
    with possible resumption of military operations. In the years of Soviet
    power Azeri SSR's leadership, including with "national leader" Heydar
    Aliyev's hands, tried to make Nagorno Karabakh not self-sufficient
    and dependent on Baku first of all trying to change population's
    demographic staff. It was also expressed during the determination of
    the borders of the Autonomous Region of Nagorno Karabakh. Now they
    try to return Nagorno Karabakh to the past. However, all attempts
    are doomed to failure," the NKR Foreign Minister said.

    The Minister also said that the NKR authorities have received no
    document (he meant the "technical document" that according to OSCE
    Minsk Group Co-chairman Bernard Fassier's information, was given to the
    conflict sides within the framework of Ministers' meeting in Helsinki)
    yet. However, according to the Foreign Minister, as a conflict side,
    which has been recognized as such according to OSCE basic documents
    on Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the NKR authorities expect to receive
    that document from Minsk Group Co-chairs in the near future.