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BAKU: Campaign We Apologize To Armenians Can Provoke Political Crisi

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  • BAKU: Campaign We Apologize To Armenians Can Provoke Political Crisi

    Rufiz Hafizoglu

    Trend News Agency
    Dec 19 2008

    Since Turkish President Abdullagh Gul's visit to Yerevan to 'watch'
    football match between Turkish and Armenian teams, the events have
    been developing at a faster pace and they will keep on developing in
    this way further. Armenia not only prepared for Gul's visit, but also
    determined which political steps to take after this visit. Different
    position of the current Islamist government of Turkey towards the
    European Union unlike that of previous nationalist government and
    insistence on the EU admission encouraged Armenians to make more
    efforts to restore ties between the two countries.

    Strive of the governing Justice and Development Party (AK Party)
    is due to not only numerous economic problems, but also unsolved
    problem of head-dresses at universities. AK Party intends to solve
    this problem under Human Rights Convention by securing full-right
    EU membership. All these problems can be solved only through EU
    membership. It is already known that EU with its "Christian club",
    so called by the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan once,
    will serve interests of Armenia, rather than Turkey.

    It is noticeable that at the moment the EU membership is held by
    France, which is considered second homeland of Armenians. Greece will
    assume EU chairmanship in the second half of 2009 who will display
    its hard stance towards Turkey. Armenian diplomats understand it very
    well and given all these realities they are willing to establish ties
    with Turkey 'in accordance with friendly and good-neighbor' principles.

    Soon the 'dialogue' and policy of 'good-neighborhood' will yield
    results. As a more active side in this regard, Turkey made a gesture
    towards Armenia and planned to open Istanbul-Yerevan flight and
    departments of Armenian language and culture in Trakiye and Nevshehir
    universities. On its part, Armenia, as a 'fraternal' move, removed
    "Armenian genocide" from the agenda to let relations develop and
    announced that Armenia does not have territorial claims to this

    These events are likely to lead to partial implementation of a plan
    to open borders.

    As to the campaign We Apologize to Armenians for the "genocide"
    committed during Ottoman empire launched by the Turkish
    'intellectuals", it caused more sensation in the country than it
    was expected.

    Officials and political parties of the country expressed their sharp
    attitude against this company and even criticized AKP and President
    Abdullah Gul. However, statements of Prime Minister Erdogan and
    that of President Gul differed to a great extent. President Gul
    said: "Turkey is a country where everyone has a right to express
    views freely." However, Prime Minister said bad many intensions
    stand behind this campaign. Erdogan said those calling themselves
    'intellectuals' seek to instigate trouble and compel people to
    conflict. 'Intellectuals' who launched this campaign have links with
    Ergenekon terrorist organization, he said.

    Different opinions of two officials on the same issue demonstrate that
    there are differences between the two Turkish top-rank officials
    regarding Armenian issue. Gul's bad attitude to We Apologize
    campaign made mainstream opposition more active. Doubtless, the
    forces dissatisfied with the governing party will take advantage of
    it which can deteriorate situation in the country. Willingness to
    adopt an appeal on behalf of parties included in the parliament
    to express parliament's opinion to this issue provoked sharp
    criticism by pro-kurdish Democratic Community Party which proves all
    above-mentioned. Development of events in this way and increased
    efforts of the Armenian lobby can cause a new internal crisis in