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You Shouldn't Bring Down The Defined Guide-Post

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  • You Shouldn't Bring Down The Defined Guide-Post

    Gevorg Harutyunyan

    Hayots Ashkharh Daily
    18 Dec 2008

    Interview with the chair of the public organization "Democracy,
    Welfare, Security" Edward Antinyan

    "Mr. Antinyan is it right to condition the settlement of Karabakh issue
    and the foreign pressures on Armenia by the state of the democratic
    institutions functioning in our country?"

    "There is no resource for the swift settlement of Artsakh issue. And
    there is also no resource for delaying the settlement of the
    conflict. I totally agree that the settlement of Artsakh issue must
    be conditioned by the state of the democratic institutions and their
    activity. Only strong democracies can confront the world challenges
    and foreign pressures.

    Artsakh issue sums up such national, state interests, which are
    on top of all. This is the reason why no one will allow bringing
    down the guidepost of this issue of great importance for all
    Armenians. Artsakh's fate and the future are of special significance
    for the Armenian people and the state.

    The problem is not even in the geographical territory of
    Karabakh. Artsakh is our dignity and pride."

    "Which factors are the most influential and decisive in terms of the
    settlement of Artsakh issue?"

    "Those who have participated in the negotiations regarding Artsakh,
    its liberation and defense, have qui te different approach towards
    the future of Artsakh. These people will definitely support the
    authorities that refuse the version of concessions, and will protest
    against those who will agree to bring down the negotiation guidepost
    to the level of concession.

    Today, there are influential forces in our internal political domain
    that are in a relatively inert position, separated from the President,
    but in this case they can't help interfering.

    The second President has enshrined a clear negotiation guidepost and
    in case of bringing down this guidepost the third President can't
    expect the support of the second President. Moreover he will be
    seriously counteracted.

    It is high time for those who had serious participation in Artsakh's
    fate to become more active. If they are late and in case Artsakh is
    disapproved of the negotiation process, then the people from Artsakh
    will come to Yerevan, will knock at their doors and demand to protect
    their interests.

    Particularly I can give two names: Robert Kocharyan and Samvel Babayan.

    Robert Kocharyan was the Head of Defense Council of Artsakh and the
    first President of Artsakh. And Samvel Babayan was the Commander
    of the Defense Army of Artsakh, the leading player of the military
    situation and responsible person. In my view lots of things depend
    on the stance of the before mentioned two figures.

    No one can involve them in any type of intrigue. They maintain ba
    lance. So better if none of them appears in the camp opposing the
    incumbent President, otherwise the settlement of Artsakh issue will
    be jeopardized.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress