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Tbilisi Witnesses Unholy Row

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  • Tbilisi Witnesses Unholy Row

    By Fati Mamiashvili and Sara Khojoyan

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting
    Dec 18 2008

    Call for commission to settle long-running dispute over ownership of
    Tbilisi church.

    At around midday on November 16, 22-year-old Alexander Oganov saw a
    bulldozer next to the Armenian church named "Holy Norashen" in the
    old town district of the Georgian capital, Tbilisi.

    In the churchyard, Oganov saw that the tombstones of 19th century
    Armenian benefactor Mikhail Tamashev and his wife Lidia had been
    prized up from the ground. The young man photographed the scene on
    his mobile phone and then called the police.

    "In the churchyard I saw Father Tariel, who is the priest of the
    Georgian church next door to Norashen," said Oganov. "He told me,
    'Don't worry, we're cleaning the churchyard and levelling the ground
    and we will put the tombstones back later'."

    Later, after the police arrived, the tombstones were indeed put
    back. But this did not prevent a furious row from breaking out,
    with Armenian parishioners complaining that the Georgian priest had
    insulted the memory of the dead.

    The episode has rekindled the long-running row between the Georgian
    Orthodox Church and the Armenian Apostolic Church over the ownership
    and upkeep of a number of churches on Georgian territory. Amongst them
    is the Norashen church in Tbilisi, which the Armenians lay claim to
    but which is still owned by the Georgian state.

    The row was poorly covered in the Georgian media, with television not
    devoting any attention to it at all. In Armenia, however, a series
    of angry articles was published, some of them accusing Georgians
    of carrying out "enforced Georgianisation" of Armenian churches
    in Georgia.

    After, Armenian bloggers leapt into action, a protest rally was held
    outside the Georgian embassy in Yerevan on November 27, with the
    demonstrators demanding the Georgian authorities stop destroying
    Armenian cultural monuments.

    Vardan Astzatrian, head of the department of nationalist minorities
    and religion in the Armenian government, called the incident an act
    of vandalism.

    "This kind of thing can only happen in a country which is not taking
    proper care of things," said Astzatrian. "Moreover, this kind of
    action can be very dangerous for the maintenance of stability which
    is very important now in the region."

    However, Father Tariel, the Georgian priest at the centre of the row,
    told IWPR that there had been merely a misunderstanding.

    "I would never dishonour graves, even if they were the graves of
    [medieval Muslim conquerors of Georgia] Jalal ad-din and Shah Abbas,"
    said the priest. "The ground had sunk in that place and I wanted to
    level it out again but they didn't let me."

    Mikhail Avakian, spokesman for the Armenian diocese in Georgia, said
    he doubted Father Tariel's version of events. "Cleaning up is the
    job of the appropriate mayoral service and not Father Tariel," he said.

    This was the latest episode in a long-running quarrel between the
    local Armenians and Father Tariel. In May, he had a fence built
    alongside one of the walls of Norashen covered in Georgian orthodox
    symbols. The priest said he had done this with the permission of the
    mayor's office to help protect the church.

    The Armenian diocese called for the fence to be taken down - something
    which has not yet been done.

    Father Tariel says the Armenians are causing trouble because they want
    to get their hands on the Norashen church, whose origins are disputed.

    According to Georgia's 2002 census, Armenians comprise 7.6 per cent
    of the population of Tbilisi. A century ago, the Armenian population
    in the city was much larger. Georgians and Armenians view the history
    of the city in completely different ways.

    The Armenian diocese says that Norashen is an Armenian church dating
    back to the 15th century. Avakian said that in the 1930s the Bolsheviks
    closed it for worship, used it as a book warehouse and handed the
    building over to the local government.

    The Georgian historian Bondo Arveladze says that Norashen was illegally
    built by Armenians on the ruins of an Orthodox church.

    "In the archives you won't find any document authorising its
    construction issued by the tsar or the patriarch of that time,"
    said Arveladze.

    Ever since Georgian regained its independence in 1991, the Armenian
    diocese has tried unsuccessfully to recover Norashen. The church
    is still owned by the ministry of economics, with the ministry of
    culture responsible for its upkeep.

    Nikloloz Antadze, who is responsible for the protection of monuments at
    the ministry of culture, said that Norashen was not in need of urgent
    help and that the issue of its restoration was not on their agenda.

    The doors of the church are currently locked. One of the last men
    to gain entrance was Father Tariel, a decade ago. He briefly began
    holding Georgian services there.

    "I didn't break into the church I simply opened the doors," said
    Father Tariel. "The wooden alter was already rotten, we erected a
    Georgian one in its place and started to conduct services there,
    although the patriarch soon stopped us from doing that."

    The Armenian and Georgian churches have agreed to resolve their
    differences over Norashen and five other disputed churches, but the
    commission tasked with doing this has not yet been set up.

    "The political authorities have to form a commission which will
    put an end to this conflict," said Levan Ramishvili, head of the
    non-governmental Liberty Institute. "If the church is Armenia then
    it ought to be given back to the Armenians. The commission should
    first establish whose it is."

    Armenian prime minister Tigran Sarkisian reportedly raised the issue
    during informal talks with his Georgian counterpart on a visit to
    Tbilisi on December 9.

    In the meantime, the Georgian-Armenian society Nor Serundi (meaning
    New Generation) has taken on the role of mediator in the dispute.

    "We live together in Georgia and nothing should divide us," read
    the slogan of around 300 Armenians and Georgians who formed a human
    chain linking a series of Georgian and Armenian churches, amongst
    them Norashen. The head of the society, Mari Mikoyan, blamed people
    for whipping up tensions about this issue.

    "This country is still in a state of war," said Mikoyan, whose father
    is Armenian and whose mother is Georgian and who was awarded a medal
    for her services as a front-line doctor in the August war over South
    Ossetia. "Anyone who artificially raises the issue of disputed churches
    and tries to trade on it is an enemy of his people and religion!

    "The time has come for historians, cultural scholars and diocesan
    officials to think about this."

    Fati Mamiashvili is a reporter with Rustavi-2 television in
    Tbilisi. Sara Khojoyan is a reporter with in Yerevan.