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Palestinian government forced to save birthplace of Christ

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  • Palestinian government forced to save birthplace of Christ

    Palestinian government forced to save birthplace of Christ as monks
    squabble over restoration
    The monks who tend the grotto under the Byzantine basilica of the
    Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem should enjoy lives of quiet,
    meditative service to the lofty ideals of their faith.

    By Tim Butcher in Bethlehem and Angus McDowall

    Daily Telegraph/UK
    Last Updated: 6:53PM GMT 20 Dec 2008

    When they wash the grotto's marbled altar and guard its silver lamps,
    they are watching over the cradle of the Christian world: the exact
    spot where Jesus Christ is believed to have been born.

    Yet despite this sacred trust, a ten-year row between the different
    sects that manage the church has forced the Palestinian government's
    Muslim leaders to intervene to prevent the basilica's ancient lead roof
    from collapsing on its mosaic floors.

    Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian national authority, has
    taken the unprecedented step of issuing a decree that the church must
    be repaired.

    The move comes as the venerable but rather run-down building next to
    Manger Square in the centre of Bethlehem braces itself for its busiest
    time of year, when tens of thousands of pilgrims, including many from
    overseas, will converge there for a series of services.

    "It is excellent news for Christians, not just here in the Holy Land,
    but all over the world," said Issa Kassissieh, a Christian member of
    the Palestinian government. "The Church of the Nativity represents much
    to the Palestinians as well as to the Christian world."

    So tattered has the roof become that pilgrims inside the church were
    forced, during heavy rainstorms, to shelter under umbrellas and watch
    water cascade down the Crusade-era murals adorning the basilica walls.

    But while the rafters rotted above them, the Armenian Orthodox,
    Franciscan and Greek Orthodox monks who share guardianship of the site
    fell to blows over the territory controlled by each sect.

    In one incident, in 2007, the long-bearded monks scuffled, using fists,
    brooms and iron rods, simply because one group had tried to wash parts
    of a wall claimed by another.

    That fight, however, was nothing compared to the dispute over the
    maintenance of the church. According to the World Monuments Fund, a
    United Nations body that listed the church as one of the 100 most
    endangered sites in the world, the basilica's custodians have failed to
    collaborate on its repair for almost 1,000 years.

    Furthermore, a botched repair, organised unilaterally by the Greeks a
    few years ago, only made things worse by accelerating the rate at which
    roof timbers rotted.

    The Palestine Exploration Fund, a British charity founded in the 19th
    century to preserve the monuments of the Holy Land, described the
    roof's condition as "nothing short of a scandal".

    Discreetly announced in a Jerusalem paper, Mr Abbas' decree was careful
    to say the three groups would be fully consulted by a special committee
    set up by the Palestinian authorities.

    But there was no hiding the sense of frustration at the bickering
    between the sects that had threatened a shrine which is one of the
    greatest tourist attractions in the Holy Land.

    His intervention, however, appears to have worked where religious
    harmony did not: the heads of the three churches have agreed to put
    aside their squabbles and accept the planned renovation.

    Architectural and archaeological experts expressed their delight at the
    news of the presidential decree.

    "That is really wonderful, a very positive step after so many decades
    of nothing," said Rupert Chapman, of the Middle East department at the
    British Museum.

    But while the decree represents progress, the Palestinian government is
    aware of the acute sensitivities involved and wants to make sure that
    no one country, organisation or faith takes control of the work.

    To that end, a special "blind" fund will be set up, and donors will be
    able to contribute funds anonymously to pay for a full survey of the
    church and the eventual restoration.

    Theophilos III, patriarch of the local Greek orthodox church which
    traces its roots back to the earliest Byzantine Christians in the Holy
    Land, said preserving the church was of critical importance. "This Holy
    Place is associated not just with the birth of Jesus Christ but with
    the later birth and growth of Christianity," he said from his office in
    the patriarchate inside the Old City of Jerusalem.

    "It played a central role in the history of Christianity and that role
    has gone on for two thousand years until even today."

    Unilateral action by the local authority is not unprecedented in
    Bethlehem to get around problems between the three Christian

    In the early 1920s, the local British military commander responsible
    for the Holy Land, Sir Ronald Storrs, decided to take action after the
    three groups could not agree on an unsightly wall built by the Greeks
    in front of the altar at the Church of the Nativity.

    He simply invoked his authority as the local governor and had the wall
    taken down.

    Visitors today have Sir Ronald's chutzpah to thank for the unblocked
    view of the altar. And future visitors who will no longer need
    umbrellas inside the church might come to owe a similar debt to Mr