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The Problem Of Information Security

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  • The Problem Of Information Security

    Vardan Grigoryan

    Hayots Ashkharh Daily
    20 Dec 2008

    The organization of the international conference "Information War"
    dedicated to the 90th anniversary of "Armenpress" press agency,
    gives hope that our officials will also take serious actions to
    solve the sad situation existing in this extremely important sphere
    of national security.

    It will firstly depend on the successful process of the activity of
    the interagency commission to be formed by the decision of the Council
    of the National Security, which will try to elaborate certain protocol
    on ensuring information security in Armenia.

    It is not possible to delay the settlement of this problem, because
    our neighbor countries have noticeably moved forward as compared
    with our country. Moreover two of them, Turkey and Iran, countries
    with serious tradition of statehood can create certain climate in
    the world information domain.

    Azerbaijan and Georgia have also formed serious systems of spreading
    information in the international sphere. In this regard Azerbaijan's
    experience is especially noteworthy, which over the recent decade
    invested enormous financial means for the formation of certain
    international image for our country, as well as staged information
    war against Armenia.

    Matters took such a turn that Azerbaijani press agencies ("Day-Az"

    is the most aggressive among them) turned into structures that carry
    out investigative and lobbyist activity for Baku. Once they learn that
    this or that foreign company or bank has made investment in Nagorno
    Karabakh they will immediately put into practice the mechanisms of
    advocacy blackmail.

    They blackmail and boycott also those international press agencies,
    which dare to spread even little information about Nagorno Karabakh
    and Armenia.

    The vivid example is the recent aggressive campaign of "Day-Az"
    against the Russian "Regnum".

    They also put into practice the organization of the Internet
    version of the "protest letters" written by the Azerbaijanis living
    in different countries. Once they see a brochure or a movie, or a
    booklet, which makes the leaders of the Azerbaijani Internet nervous
    the protest campaign immediately starts. And some people think that it
    is spontaneous, which means their publication was really unilaterally

    The problems of information security are of course not limited
    to the activity of the press agencies. Their realization requires
    corresponding approach and knowledge, from the leaders of certain
    ministers, agencies, as well as educational institutions and
    organizations in Diaspora.

    Let's remember what negative impact had the absence of the Armenian
    delegation in the conference of the Ministers of Culture of COE member
    states, on our20country's international image. Azerbaijan managed to
    take the role of the "bridge of civilization", fundamentally falsifying
    the cultural past of the region, without any sign of counteraction.

    The process of the Armenian -Turkish dialogue was another proof of
    Armenia's imperfectness in the sphere of information security. All
    the Armenian agencies, especially those ensuring the spheres of
    the foreign policy and foreign advocacy were not ready for those
    challenges, due to which the international community has come to a
    conclusion that they shouldn't interfere in the relations of Armenia
    and Turkey, which is at the stage of " political honeymoon".

    But the protocol of the information security won't stop this dangerous
    process, unless the strategy of the insurance of information security
    is elaborated.

    At present we shouldn't be inspired of the organization of
    international conference "Information Wars" in Yerevan, Let's be
    patient, and wait until they translate into action the concerns and
    standpoints expressed in this conference.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress