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Merry Christmas from Abp. Hovnan Derderian

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  • Merry Christmas from Abp. Hovnan Derderian

    WD Newsletter

    Western Diocese of the Armenian Church
    3325 North Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank, CA 91504
    Tel: (818) 558-7474 Fax: (818) 558-6333
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Dear Reader

    "... Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts to
    which indeed you were called in the one body."
    - Colossians 3:15

    The blessed Birth of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ
    brings peace on earth. Peace is the reflection of the love
    of God; the peace which is being offered to us all,
    reawakening in us the wisdom to live a purpose-driven life.

    The words of St. Paul the Apostle are a spiritual gift on
    the eve of the New Year and Christmas which nourishes our
    spirituality with the Divine presence.

    Today we live in a world, where the celebration of the
    Birth of Christ has been commercialized. Christmas, dear
    faithful, is most of all a time of spiritual reawakening. It
    is that time of the year the faithful hold firm the sacred
    traditions of the Church and make Christmas a special time
    for family reunions and gatherings.

    Click here to read the entire
    message...[ primate-s-christmas-blessings/?utm_source=newslett erAlpha&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=chri stmasMessage]

    Watch the Video in English or
    Armenian[ e-s-christmas-blessings/?utm_source=newsletterAlph a&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=christma sM essage#pcme]
    "Watch[http://www.armenianchurc newsletterAlpha&utm_medium=email&utm_campa ign=christmasMessage]

    The Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North
    America, providing spiritual guidance and leadership to the
    Armenian Apostolic community, is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit,
    tax-exempt organization comprised of more than 50 churches
    in 16 western states. It was established in 1898 as the
    Diocese of the Armenian Church encompassing the entire
    United States and Canada. In 1927 the Western Diocese was
    formed to exclusivly serve the western United States.