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BAKU: Apology Campaign Launched In Turkey Not To Help Armenian Diplo

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  • BAKU: Apology Campaign Launched In Turkey Not To Help Armenian Diplo

    B. Hasanov

    Trend News Agency
    Dec 20, 2008

    Despite efforts of the Armenian diaspora to take advantage of the
    apology campaign launched in Turkey in favor of their own interest,
    the campaign will not help them with this regard.

    "Though Armenians have made efforts to inform the world of their
    so-called 'genocide' for many years, they have not achieved success
    and their future success does not seem convincing," Vafa Guluzade,
    political expert and former advisor to President for foreign affairs
    of Azerbaijan, told Trend News.

    Some Turkish academics, writers and journalists launched a website
    issuing an apology to the Armenians regarding the 1915 incidents
    and calling for people to sign on in support. Over 5,000 people have
    registered on the website, Turkish media reported.

    Armenia and Armenian lobby worldwide state that in 1915 the Ottoman
    Empire, Turkey's predecessor, committed genocide against Armenians
    living in Anatolia. Armenians striving to make their statements
    recognized worldwide have strengthened their propaganda of the
    so-called genocide in several countries and have achieved recognition
    of the "Armenian genocide" at several Parliaments.

    Nicolas Tavitian, European expert of Armenian origin, says apology
    campaign is a necessary step and it can open good opportunities in
    future. "As it was hoped, Turkish society made the first step and
    government officials will also follow their example once," Tavitian,
    director of Inside Europe, Armenian research center, said to Trend
    News by e-mail from Brussels.

    Apology campaign is a right move by Turkish society and efforts
    by the Turkish government to prevent this campaign will lead to a
    disaster for the country. Prevention of campaign will mean distrust
    of Turkish governmental figures for freedom of speech and democracy,
    Tavitian added.

    Turkish expert Mahir Kaynak says apology campaign will not have any
    impact of Turkey's official position. "Though Turkish government
    seeks to normalize ties with Armenia, it will not make any compromise
    regarding 'genocide'," Kaynak said to Trend News by telephone from

    Expert believes that Armenians can use apology campaign while trying to
    persuade parliaments of different countries to recognize the so-called
    'genocide'. "They can justify their intentions by describing the
    apology campaign as public opinion in Turkey," Kaynak added.

    Azeri expert Guluzade says apology campaign can not be come wide-spread
    in the Turkish society. "It will neither change position of the Turkish
    government nor it will lead to 'success' of Armenian diplomacy, he
    said. This campaign has been initiated by marginal groups in Turkey
    and small ethnic minorities including Armenians and lacks political
    means of influence," Guluzade said.

    Over the last days there has been a sharp criticism against apology
    campaign in Turkey. Turkey's prime minister, speaker of parliament
    and foreign minister have expressed their protest against the
    campaign. There are also protest actions against this campaign within
    the Turkish society.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress