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Constitutional Revolution And Its Aftermath (1906-20)

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  • Constitutional Revolution And Its Aftermath (1906-20)

    by Arash Monzavi-Kia

    The Iranian
    Dec 26 2008

    The Iranian constitutional revolution was lead by a few intellectuals
    who were inspired by the Western ideals of liberty and equality. The
    English had one in the seventeenth century, which ultimately turned
    their kings into figureheads and the country as lead by an elected
    parliament. Both the French and the Americans went even further
    in the eighteenth century, abolishing the royalty and instituting
    Roman-inspired republics. There were two triggers to the constitutional
    uprising in Persia; firstly, the exorbitantly higher costs of consumer
    goods, due to the increased tariffs and levies. Secondly, shockwaves
    of the Russian revolution of 1905 at the news of Japan's unbelievable
    victory over the Tsar's navy.

    After a year of struggles, in 1906, Mozafar-al-din Shah agreed to
    the establishment of a parliament, where people's representatives
    could assemble and pass laws for a democratic Persia. The first act
    of Majles was a European style constitution that was approved by the
    compromising Shah, days before his passing. However, the new king
    (Mohammad-Ali) was strongly opposed to any liberal restrictions
    over his absolute power, and conspired to use the religious Shia
    sentiments against the new parliament. Shah's strongest ally was a
    lead cleric (Sheik Fazlollah Norrie) who despised the free-thinking
    constitutionalists. Clergies like Norrie believed that the laypeople
    of Persia were not even capable of properly washing their hands without
    specific instructions from a Marjah mullah, let alone passing laws!

    In the summer of 1908, Shah's Cossack brigade invaded the parliament,
    jailed all the deputies and murdered the liberal leaders. Similar
    attacks decimated the ranks of libertarians all over the country,
    except for Tabriz where a small-scale armed resistance grew into a
    full fledged uprising. The Tabriz uprising was aided by the armed
    revolutionaries from the neighbouring Russian territories (Baku and
    Armenia), and ignited similar rebellions in Rasht and Isfahan. The
    ensuing civil war ended when in the spring of 1909, the revolutionary
    forces captured Tehran, sent the murderous Shah to exile and unleashed
    revenge on the reactionaries like Norrie.

    However, the victorious constitutionalists inherited a bankrupt
    country, which was not only one of the poorest in the world, but also
    highly indebted to Russia and Britain. All through the nineteenth
    century, those two colonial superpowers were engaged in a fierce
    competition (the Great Game) over dominance in Asia. The Great Game
    had bleed Persia but allowed the feeble Qajars to barely survive,
    as each side vied for their allegiance. However, at the beginning
    of the twentieth century, the Anglo-Russian animosity was replaced
    by a common fear of the newly rising powers of Europe (Germany) and
    Asia (Japan). In 1907, England and Russia had concluded a friendship
    pact, which also unceremoniously divided Persia into two separate
    spheres of influence. Russia was granted a de-facto control over all
    economical activities in the North, and Britain in the South. The
    newborn constitutional government in Tehran was helpless against that
    arrangement, because most of the country's riches were already lost
    through concessions.

    The new government's bankruptcy also created animosity and fierce
    fighting among the once allied constitutionalists. The leftists
    (Democrats) who were inspired by the Russian socialists, wanted
    to radicalize the movement and confiscate land and riches from the
    princes, landlords and mullahs. The moderates were aiming at achieving
    modernization and improvement but, with no money in the coffers,
    could not affect any positive outcome.

    The superpowers' dominance in Iran was followed by outright occupation
    during the First World War. In effect, Persia became a protectorate
    of Russia and England, from 1912 to 1921. The level of misery and
    hardship during that decade is mindboggling and appalling. It is
    estimated that 20% of the total population (10 million) perished
    in civil wars (among Armenians, Kurds, Turks, Bakhtiari, Ghashghai,
    pro-Germans, pro-British, Arabs, Baluchi, etc.); fighting between the
    rival Ottomans and Russians, who used Northern Iran as their battle
    ground and source of supplies; and widespread famines and plagues
    that wiped-out entire towns and villages.

    WWI killed tens of millions of people in Europe, and caused the
    collapse of the Russian and German empires. Russia soon turned into a
    communist country and Germany adopted Nazism. Britain emerged victor
    from the war, but so wounded and weak that London could not afford to
    maintain the Persian occupation all by herself. Iran was descending
    into chaos! The great rivalry between the two superpowers also
    restarted; with the Russian communists (Reds) becoming openly hostile
    to Britain and their counter-revolutionary allies (Whites). In 1921,
    the final collapse of the Whites culminated in a new power balance
    in the Persian arena.