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Is Bargavach Hayastan Going To Be Opposition Or Government?

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  • Is Bargavach Hayastan Going To Be Opposition Or Government?

    James Hakobyan
    14:14:31 - 24/12/2008

    On December 23 the leader of the Bargavach Hayastan Party held
    a briefing and made rather interesting statements about the home
    political problems and particularly action against the economic
    crisis. The meeting itself is interesting, considering that Gagik
    Tsarukyan seldom shows up at the National Assembly, and in case he
    does, he always holds briefings.

    Ostensibly, Tsarukyan went to the National Assembly on December 23
    for the briefing but he wanted the briefing appear as spontaneous
    rather than the initiative of Gagik Tsarukyan.

    The difference may not seem significant but this time it is. Most
    statements by Gagik Tsarukyan are also significant. For instance,
    the leader of the Bargavach Hayastan Party stated that he will not
    participate in the auction of Bjni Company and does not advise anyone
    to do. Or, Gagik Tsarukyan announced that in order to tackle the
    economic crisis it is necessary to grant privileges to the Armenian
    businessmen to enable them not to cut jobs.

    According to Gagik Tsarukyan, after the crisis it will be possible
    to return to the previous mode. In this context, Tsarukyan hinted at
    the problem of beauty parlors, hotels, other facilities which offer
    services. It is known that several weeks ago the government decided
    to boost taxes on companies which offer services. In other words, the
    Bargavach Hayastan Party disagrees with the policy of the government
    because the government has not granted any privileges to the local
    businessmen, except for the ones the businessmen coalesced with the
    government have been enjoying for many years now.

    By the way, according to a lot of press reports, Gagik Tsarukyan, who
    is known as a close oligarch of Robert Kocharyan, also enjoys a number
    of informal privileges. It is not ruled out that this circumstance is
    the reason why Gagik Tsarukyan actually expresses disagreement with
    the government policy, not fundamental but made of fine threads. It is
    not ruled out that in February, when the conference of the Bargavach
    Hayastan will be held during which a surprise is expected, the party
    will turn its fine disagreement into tangible one, which will probably
    be the surprise which Gagik Tsarukyan considered as possible a few
    weeks ago on the Public Television. Certainly, it is hardly possible
    that the Bargavach Hayastan Party will announce to leave the coalition
    or demand the resignation of the prime minister. On the other hand,
    what other surprise can the party give?

    At least now it is difficult to imagine other surprise, except the
    option that in February the second president Robert Kocharyan may
    choose to join the party as the most convenient option of returning
    to politics. However, in this case it is evident that the Bargavach
    Hayastan Party must aspire to an important post because Robert
    Kocharyan will hardly agree to be an ordinary member of the Bargavach
    Hayastan Party and be limited to the post of leader of the party. Even
    if he does, it will last too short.

    In this context, the so-called external political expressions of the
    Bargavach Hayastan Party appear rather interesting. The leader of the
    party visited China, participated in the conference of the Russian
    political party Yedinaya Rossia, missing the consultation of Serge
    Sargsyan with political parties on the Karabakh issue. Afterwards,
    Gagik Tsarukyan met with the president of Croatia, which is especially
    interesting in the context of the press reports that Robert Kocharyan
    has bought real estate in Croatia where he reportedly spent his summer
    holiday. Afterwards Gagik Tsarukyan signs a document on cooperation
    with the leader of the Party of Regions Yanukovich.

    All this is evidence that the Bargavach Hayastan is preparing to give
    a significant surprise in February.