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At Least Apology If There Is No Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood

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  • At Least Apology If There Is No Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood

    Hakob Badalyan

    12:43:52 - 26/12/2008

    Summing Up The Political Year, The Deputy Leader Of The Orinats Yerkir
    Party Heghine Bisharyan stated that it was a year of ordeal for their
    political party but it ended positively because they have joined the
    coalition government and are implementing their program. The question
    occurs who had pushed them to secede from the coalition and undergo
    an ordeal. They could have stayed and implemented their programs, and
    those two years while the Orinats Yerkir was opposition would not have
    been wasted, they would have managed a lot about their programs, for
    instance, the could have fully reconstructed the area of the earthquake
    and returned the lost savings of the Soviet Savings Bank. Besides,
    Robert Kocharyan would not have called the leader of this party a
    betrayer, and before March 1 the society would not have called him
    a betrayer for the agreement made with Serge Sargsyan the day before
    the clampdown on people. Thereby, not only the past year but the past
    five years would have been positive for the Orinats Yerkir Party.

    While these lines are being written, Galust Sahakyan, the deputy
    leader of the Republican Party is holding a news conference. He will
    sum up the year and will probably say that the past year was a year
    of ordeal for the Republican Party but it ends positively because the
    prospect of20 membership to the Muslim world has emerged, which opens
    up new opportunities for the development of the country. Otherwise,
    we are clinging to Europe and would not let it go, and have started
    thinking about China recently, which is also wrong because China
    will also start thinking that we have no other place to go. Hence,
    it is time that we announced about the possibility of joining the
    European countries for the world to know that it cannot impose its
    values on usbecause we will always have another place to go.

    The Bargavach Hayastan Party concludes the political year with
    an oppositionist stance, voting against the amendments to the tax

    Although the amendments were passed, this is not what matters. The fact
    is that the Bargavach Hayastan Party voted against the amendments,
    which means it disagrees with the government policy. However, it is
    difficult to tell whether it is a positive or undesired situation
    for the Bargavach Hayastan Party. However, they will conclude the
    year positively because Gagik Tsarukyan has brought several medals
    to the country: 6 bronze medals from the Olympic Games, several Gold
    medals from various European tournaments and several silver medals
    from world tournaments, and one world cup. Maybe Serge Sargsyan is
    ahead with his "two-tier" Chess crown but instead the forehead of
    success of Gagik Tsarukyan is broader, the merits are greater, and
    consequently the year is pos itive.

    The ARF Dashnaktsutyun sums up its 118th year. It is a long time,
    a very long time, when the given subject cannot distinguish what is
    positive and what is not, and exists by inertia. However, the fact that
    the ARF Dashnaktsutyun succeeded going on protest in Yerevan rather
    close to Abdullah Gul allows assessing the year as positive. At least,
    there is nothing negative, especially that an unprecedented thing is
    underway when you take the fourth place in the presidential election
    but remain government. What would be more positive?

    It would be good, of course, if the success of the four political
    parties of the coalition was measured by achievements in the life of
    the society and the state. If so, the year 2008 would not be positive
    for any political party because there was March 1, citizens died,
    there are persons deprived of their liberty for political reasons,
    reporters and civil society activists undergo violence, workers are
    made redundant, this worrying phenomenon tends to last. Of course,
    it is necessary to see positive things in everything but sometimes
    it is necessary to silence it because it is painful for people who
    lost their jobs on New Year's eve and they know how to buy presents
    for their children for them to think that the year was positive for
    them, like for the Orinats Yerkir Party. Or like for the president
    of the Central Bank, buy at least a car in a year, maybe not wo rth
    100 thousand dollars but a toy car costing one thousand dollars.

    Therefore, on New Year's Eve the coalition must apologize to
    people, the society, every single citizen for being unable to solve
    any urgent and key issue: rule of law, equality, fair economic
    opportunities, separation of government and business, political and
    civil freedoms. People, the society, citizens may accept the apology
    and consider that if the four parties of the coalition are aware of all
    that and apologize, it is already positive, and the year was positive,
    despite a number of unaddressed key issues of public life.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress