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Turkish Apology: The Genie Is out of the Bottle

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  • Turkish Apology: The Genie Is out of the Bottle

    The Genie Is out of the Bottle
    Turkish Intellectuals to Armenians: We Apologize

    By Khatchig Mouradian

    December, 27 2008

    On December 15, around 200 intellectuals in Turkey launched an
    Internet petition1 apologizing for the Armenian Genocide. Soon
    thereafter, hell broke loose.

    Although there is a wide consensus among genocide and Holocaust
    scholars that the Armenian Genocide took place, the Turkish state
    continues to vehemently deny that a state-sponsored campaign took the
    lives of approximately 1.5 million Armenians during World War I. The
    Armenians, the official Turkish argument goes, were victims of ethnic
    strife, or war and starvation, just like many Muslims living in the
    Ottoman Empire. Turkey invests millions of dollars in the United
    States to lobby against resolutions recognizing the Armenian Genocide
    and to produce denialist literature. Moreover, many Turkish
    intellectual who have spoken against the denial have been charged for
    "insulting Turkishness" under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code.

    The fact that the text of the apology2 didn't employ the term
    "genocide" but opted for "Great Catastrophe" did not stave off
    condemnation. A barrage of criticism and attacks followed almost
    immediately. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish
    army, many members of the parliament, and practically the entire
    Turkish establishment instigated and encouraged a public outcry
    against the apology. Threats and insults flew from left and right, and
    counter-petitions were launched from Turks demanding the Armenians to

    Yet despite the wave of condemnation, thousands of ordinary Turks from
    all walks of life added their names to the petition. After breaking
    the taboo against talking about the Armenian Genocide, Turkish
    scholars, writers and journalists had made apologizing for the
    Armenian Genocide an issue of public discourse. The petition did not
    simply recognize the suffering of the Armenians; rather, it went
    beyond and offered an apology, which was crucial for the initiators of
    the campaign. "I think two words moved the people: Ozur Dileriz (`We
    apologize')," said the drafter of the petition, Prof. Baskin Oran when
    I asked him about the wording of the petition. "These are the very two
    words that kept thousands of Turks from signing it. But they were
    imperative. I don't feel responsible for the butchery done by the
    Ittihadists [the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), the organizers
    of the Genocide] but we had to say these words. There is something
    called a `collective conscience,'" he added.

    Some criticized the text because it avoided using the term "genocide."
    The former head of the Istanbul branch of the Human Rights
    Association, lawyer Eren Keskin, said, "I do not accept compromise
    when it comes to the use of the term genocide. Even though the word
    genocide was not used in the petition, I signed it, because I believe
    any change in a country or in a system can take place if there is an
    `internal' demand. I believe that the Republic of Turkey is a
    continuation of the Ittihadist tradition - the tradition of the
    perpetrators of the Genocide. The majority of the founding members of
    the Turkish Republic, including the leaders, were members of the CUP."
    An apology is an obligation, Keskin told me. "Just as the Republic of
    Turkey took over the financial obligations of the Ottomans under the
    Lausanne Treaty, it should take over the obligation to apologize for
    the Genocide. I believe it is first and foremost the obligation of the
    Republic of Turkey to apologize. The individuals who internalize the
    official ideology, who do not question it, who ignore the fact that a
    genocide has been committed and who give their approval by remaining
    silent also owe an apology to Armenians," she said. "I signed the
    statement because I think this is an initiative that will normalize,
    in the eyes of the Turkish public, the concept of and the obligation
    to apologize to Armenians."

    Amberin Zaman, Turkey's correspondent for The Economist and a
    columnist for the Turkish newspaper Taraf, said that regardless of the
    criticism about the wording, the petition initiative was a turning
    point. "When we look back at this campaign several years from now, I
    think there can be no doubt that it will be viewed as a turning point
    - not just for Armenian-Turkish reconciliation, but more importantly
    in terms of getting modern Turkey to come to terms with one of the
    darkest chapters of its recent past," she said. "Whether people agree,
    condemn or quibble with the wording of the text, in the end [the
    petition] has unleashed an unprecedented debate about the fate of the
    Ottoman Armenians. It has also sent a very strong signal that
    rapprochement efforts between our mutual governments [Armenia and
    Turkey] is far surpassed by the very real desire at a societal level
    to heal the wounds and move on," she added. "The genie is now well and
    truly out of the bottle."

    Poet Ron Margulies considers the petition a first step. "It does
    something which should have been done decades ago and tells Armenians
    that many Turks share and understand their pain, sorrow and
    grief. This apology and expression of empathy is the first step
    without which nothing else can follow," he said. "But there is also a
    second reason which, for me, is as important as the first, and it has
    to do with Turkish politics rather than the Armenian issue in
    particular. In recent years, many unmentionables have become
    mentionable and are frequently mentioned in Turkey. These include the
    existence and rights of the Kurds, the issue of the other minorities,
    the role of the armed forces in the political life of the country, the
    competence of the armed forces and of the chiefs of staff, the issue
    of Islam, the right to wear a headscarf in public offices, etc. Once
    out of the bottle, these genies refuse to go back in. And they all
    deal serious blows to Kemalism, to nationalism, to the official
    ideology of the Turkish state. This petition, and the fact that 8,000
    people signed it within the first day-and-a-half, is another such
    blow. We must continue raining blows on the edifice of the Kemalist
    state," he added.

    For these reasons, Margulies notes, the wording of the petition was
    not so important to him. "Every text can be improved upon. But that is
    not the point. The petition has already had a phenomenal impact -
    because of its content and its spirit, not because of the specific
    wording," he explained.

    When I asked why she signed the petition, author and journalist Ece
    Temelkuran spoke about the massacres, but more importantly, about the
    dispossession. "Since writing my book [The Deep Mountain], the
    conflict, which was already profoundly emotional for most of us after
    [Turkish-Armenian journalist] Hrant Dink's death, became a personal
    issue to me. The petition was a way of telling my Armenian friends
    that I share their long lasting pain and that I understand. As far as
    I observed among the Armenians in the Diaspora and in Armenia, the
    deepest and the most vital pain is the homelessness they feel. Besides
    the pain of being massacred, Armenians today, all over the world, feel
    homeless. With the petition, I just wanted to tell the Armenians that
    people still living in Anatolia didn't forget what happened and that
    they still feel the absence of their Armenian brothers and sisters."

    2 The apology read: "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity
    showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman
    Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for
    my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian
    brothers and sisters. I apologize to them."

    ------------------------------------- ---------------------------
    From: Z Net - The Spirit Of Resistance Lives
    URL: 064

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress