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EU Troika To Visit South Caucasus 4-6 February

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  • EU Troika To Visit South Caucasus 4-6 February


    04 February, 2008

    European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood
    Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, will participate in the Ministerial EU
    Troika visit to Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia on 4-6 February 2008.

    Together with Dimitrij Rupel, Minister for Foreign Affairs of
    Slovenia and EU Special Representative for the Southern Caucasus,
    Ambassador Peter Semneby, the Commissioner will be holding meetings
    at the highest level. On the agenda are the implementation of the
    ENP Action Plans, regional and international issues. In Armenia and
    Azerbaijan the Commissioner will also open full fledged European
    Commission Delegations.

    On the eve of her visit, Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner said: "Over
    a year after we embarked into our joint Action Plans, the relations
    between the EU and the countries of the Southern Caucasus are growing
    ever closer. This is my third visit to the region, and I am looking
    forward to discussing the implementation of our ENP Action plans,
    energy security, regional issues including the frozen conflicts,
    as well as international issues. "

    She added: "This time I am particularly happy to open fully-fledged
    EC Commission Delegations in Armenia and Azerbaijan. This opens a new
    chapter in our relations with these countries. It is a confirmation
    of the Commission's commitment to cooperate closely with the South
    Caucasus countries, supporting reforms with a view to bringing the
    whole region closer to Europe".

    The EU Troika visit will provide the opportunity to discuss a wide
    range of topics with Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian authorities,
    such as the implementation of the three ENP Action Plans, the situation
    of human rights, fundamental freedoms and democratisation, frozen
    conflicts, regional cooperation in the Southern Caucasus and energy.

    The European Commission contributes to the peaceful settlement of
    frozen conflicts. The EU is already active in preventing and resolving
    conflicts. The Commission can make an important contribution by
    working around the conflict issues, promoting similar reforms on
    both sides of the boundary lines, to foster convergence between
    political, economic and legal systems, enabling greater social
    inclusion and contributing to confidence building and the financing
    of rehabilitation programmes. The EU is also institutionally involved
    in conflict settlement mechanisms. The Commission is also an observer
    to the Joint Control Commission, a conflict settlement mechanism for
    South Ossetia. However, only individual Member States participate
    in the Minsk Group (Nagorno-Karabakh) and the UN Friends of Georgia
    (Abkhazia) peace mechanisms.

    The ENP Action Plans in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia were adopted
    in late 2006. Implementation is supported by the European Community
    bilateral ENPI assistance to the tune of EUR 92 million in Azerbaijan,
    EUR 98, 4 million in Armenia and EUR 120 million in Georgia over
    the period 2007-2010, plus assistance initiatives implemented in the
    context of ENPI Regional and Inter-Regional and EC Thematic Programmes
    such as the European Instrument for Democratisation and Human Rights
    - EIDHR.

    The main focus of cooperation with Azerbaijan is good governance,
    socio-economic reforms and energy.

    For Armenia the three focal areas of bilateral assistance are support
    for strengthening of democratic structures, and good governance,
    support for regulatory reform and administrative capacity building,
    and support for poverty reduction efforts.

    For Georgia the focus is support for democratic development, rule of
    law and governance, economic development and implementation of the ENP
    Action Plan, poverty reduction and social reforms, conflict resolution.

    >From 1991-2004, the EC has allocated over [email protected] billion worth of
    assistance, with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia receiving