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Armenian Presidential Candidates Not To Obey Municipality's Call To

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  • Armenian Presidential Candidates Not To Obey Municipality's Call To


    Jan 18 2008

    No brochures and leaflets

    [Presidential candidate and former foreign minister of the unrecognized
    republic of Nagornyy Karabakh] Arman Melikyan yesterday [17 January]
    presented his election manifesto in the Hayatsk club.

    "Of course, there is a financial problem. But for the people who have
    a belief work is more than brochures, leaflets and so on," he said.

    Asked by Aravot who has been financing your election campaign, he
    replied:" I do not expect much donations and I will not make big
    expenses. Thus, this issue is not a priority for me." Melikyan also
    does not trust results of opinion polls and believes that society's
    distrust in opinion polls stems from distrust in the authorities.

    In the context of Armenia's foreign ties, the following is the
    candidate's regional and geopolitical analysis: "The Nagornyy Karabakh
    conflict is in reality what hinders the programmes of the European
    Union in this region. This is why the European Union does not think
    about the fair and legal settlement of the issue, and only thinks about
    establishing peace in the region in order that communications open and
    there will be no threat to them in future. I believe this is a very
    serious threat to our strategic interests, as today's negotiations
    process does not include elements based on main concepts and principles
    of human rights. I particularly mean the interests of the Armenians
    of Azerbaijan [who used to live in Azerbaijan before the conflict]
    and the issue of recognizing the right for self-determination of the
    Nagornyy Karabakh republic [NKR]."

    In response to the last statements by the [OSCE Minsk Group]
    co-chairs that the sides could reach if not a written, at least
    a verbal agreement in 2008, Melikyan said: "We have been hearing
    similar statements for years. At the moment, they speak about the
    verbal agreement as against the written one. Then who are signatories
    to this agreement? A president will be replaced in Armenia and no
    one can say what policy the next president will carry out in regard
    to the NKR issue."

    If elected president, Melikyan says he will try to proceed from the
    logic of the issue back in 1988 [when the conflict started] and to
    find the settlement from the point of view of human rights. Asked
    by Aravot: you are constantly speaking about the rights of Armenian
    refugees, what do you think about Azerbaijani refuges, Melikyan said
    :"A refugee is a refugee, but in regard to the Azerbaijanis one should
    realize what part of them can be considered refugees?

    Armenians faced violence in Azerbaijan and were expelled starting
    from cases in Sumqayit [killings of Armenians in the town of Sumqayit
    in 1988], and violence against Azerbaijanis in Armenia was recorded
    starting from the end of 1988. But most part of them left Armenia
    much earlier, by the way under conditions beneficial for them -
    they [Azerbaijani refugees] exchanged their basic property here with
    quite good apartments in Baku and Kirovabad [former name of the city
    of Ganca]. In addition, they also received compensation from the
    Armenian government, I believe 110m dollars. So, see the problem of
    the 500,000-strong "army" of the Armenian refugees, and the problem
    of the 160,000 Azerbaijanis who used to live in Armenia."

    Arman Melikyan raised this issue before international institutions
    when he was NKR foreign minister. But this point of view received no
    reaction as "they [international institutions] do not have an answer
    to this question and will not answer to it as long as Armenia does
    not raise it officially," he said.