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International Conference On Issues Of Regional Security To Be Held I

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  • International Conference On Issues Of Regional Security To Be Held I


    Noyan Tapan
    Feb 5, 2008

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 5, NOYAN TAPAN. The second international conference
    "Countries of Caucasus and the Middle East - Possible Partners
    in the Process of Formation of Regional System of Security" with
    the participation of political scientists and experts from Russia,
    Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Austria, China, other countries will be
    held in Yerevan on February 7-8. Among the conference participants
    are Prof. Hans Kehler (University of Innsbruck, Austria), Vyacheslav
    Igrunov (director of International Research Institute of Humanity
    and Politics, Russia), Bao Yi (leading specialist of Institute of
    Eastern Europe, Rissia and Central Asia of the Academy of Social
    Sciences of China), Cemal Usak (Secretary General of "Platform
    for Intellectual Dialog, Turkey), Zulfugar Farzaliev (journalist,
    Azerbaijan), Mohamed Shakir (Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs),
    Prof. Gokhan Bacik (University of Fatih, Turkey), Georgi Petrosian
    (Minister of Foreign Affairs, NKR) and others.

    At the opening event to be held in the Armenia Hotel, speeches of
    welcome of Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II and the conference
    organizer - the chairman of the World Armenian Congress (WAC), UNESCO's
    Ambassador of Good Will Ara Abramyan will be read. After the opening
    speech of the first deputy chairman of the WAC Aram Sargsian, other
    participants will make reports to be followed by the discussion "New
    Generation of National Elites on the Way to Integration in the Global
    Processes" (moderator Dr. Hans Kehler - one of the world's leading
    experts in economics). Then the works will be presented by sections:
    "Peaceful Way of Solution of Inter-State Disputes Does not Have
    Alternatives" (moderators: Ruben Safrsatyan, director of East Studies
    Institute of the RA National Academy of Sciences and Prof. Vladimir
    Zakharov of Moscow State Institute of International Affairs), "From
    Regional to Global Security System, from Interbloc Cooperation to
    Stable Peace" (moderator Hans Kehler), and "Realization of Integral
    Forms of All-Regional Economic, Socio-Cultural, Inter-Civilized
    Projects - Safe Basis for Realization of Peaceful Initiatives"
    (moderator Garnik Asatryan, head of the Iranian department of Yerevan
    State University).

    At the final plenary session on February 8, the Conference Declaration
    will be discussed and adopted. Its draft in particular reads:
    "Indicating the geopolitical realities, which have formed in the
    region as a result of non-homogeneity of historical, political,
    ethnic-cultural peculiarities of development of peoples in Caucasus
    and the Middle East, the representatives of the interntional conference
    participants Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Egypt, China, the
    NKR, Russia, Turkey state: Caucasus and the Middle East is a region
    of nonintegrated interests. <...> However, the similarity of unsolved
    problems of territorial, religious, economic, socio-cultural nature
    and the urgency of formulation of a unifying all-regional idea of
    peaceful and constructive development of the regional countries give
    the conference participants the right to assert that the regional
    leaders' and social elites' awareness of the danger of continuation
    of a policy not in line with geostrategical goals, as well as their
    political will allow to conduct discussion of the principles of
    building the region of Caucasus and the Middle East as a new single
    geopolitical whole.

    The absence of aspiration to achieve a baseless dominating position
    over neighbors must become a precondition for starting negotiations. As
    a task for taking the first step on the course to the integration
    process, the conference participants consider the development of
    "Declaration" by authorized representatives of the regional countries
    - with presentation of general problems, examination of the potential
    and prospects of integration, as well as integration-related threats
    and risks, and modelling of the options of solution of all-regional

    Defining regional security as a general system of inter-civilized
    relations, the conference participants take the view that the regional
    concept of security in the form of army poliical blocs does not
    correspond to global challenges and the parameters of development
    of security and stability in the region. <...> We proceed from the
    fundamental principle that global security directly depends on the
    level of good-neighbourly relations of regional countries <...>.

    The conference participants appeal to the heads of states, parliaments,
    governments, political organizations and NGOs of Caucasus and the
    Middle East to present the ideas and proposals laid out in the
    Declaration's text to their societies for discussion. We hope to
    launch a constructive dialog in the name of implementing a program
    of stable peace and development in Caucasus and the Middle East".