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Lack Of Community Thinking And Initiative

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  • Lack Of Community Thinking And Initiative


    05-02-2008 12:08:29

    Prime Minister Ara Harutiunyan took part in the annual community
    meeting of the town of Askeran. Once again the prime minister witnessed
    that due to the passivity of the local government a number of minor
    problems of the community are not being solved.

    Although the state of water and gas supply is relatively better
    in Askeran, the demographic situation worries. According to Mayor
    Shekyan, the community has a population of 2145, but in 2007 only
    23 children were born and 5 marriages were registered. The index of
    natural growth is lower compared to other areas.

    The mayor says this demographic situation is caused by the problem
    of housing. Most young families have nowhere to live and they prefer
    to leave.

    In this connection the prime minister noted that there will be
    a special approach to Askeran because this town has strategic
    importance. Soon the mortgage policy will be launched here, blocks
    of apartments will be built, and most young families will have an
    opportunity to buy an apartment.

    The government is likely to build houses for the families of killed
    soldiers, disabled people and families having many children. The prime
    minister also promised to help with the construction of the new school.

    >From September 300 children of Askeran will study at the new school.

    The prime minister criticized the fact that tax collection was 75
    percent, and ten million drams was not collected. Meanwhile, the
    money would be enough to heat the House of Culture and to replace
    some water pipes in the town.

    "Government assistance does not mean that the community should not
    do anything at all," Ara Harutiunyan says. He thinks it is strange
    that the town does not have a marketplace. Get the town hall work,
    the prime minister advised, the department of information and public
    relations of the government reports.