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Senior School Is Under Consideration

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  • Senior School Is Under Consideration


    05-02-2008 12:08:40

    The first step Armenia and Karabakh took after joining the conference
    of Bologna was transition of the secondary school to 12-year
    education. The next step Armenia and Karabakh are now preparing for
    is the senior school.

    The NKR minister of education Vladik Khachatryan told
    presently the ministry is drafting the new bill on education which
    will include a provision on the senior school.

    "During the discussion of the bill in Armenia we also made some
    proposals," Vladik Khachatryan said. The minister explained the idea
    of senior school.

    Vladik Khachatryan says the purpose of the senior school is to enable
    senior school students to do more independent work. The basic school
    will have 9 forms, after which the students can choose specializations
    - humanities, natural science and vocational education. In each
    specialization the students will study one subject or another more
    intesively. During the discussion it was proposed that each senior
    class should involve up to 18 students. The separation of the senior
    school from the system of secondary education is being considered.

    The minister underlined that in the capital and the regional centers
    the separation of the senior school from the secondary school may
    now cause major problems, whereas in the villages the separation may
    encounter difficulty.

    Vladik Khachatryan says in the upcoming year 30 senior schools will
    open in Armenia. There is no decision for Karabakh yet.

    By the way, yesterday President Bako Sahakyan held a working
    consultation in which the problems of universities and the perspectives
    of development of higher education were discussed, the General
    Information Department of the president administration reports.