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Russian Premier: Russia To Activate Economic Cooperation With Armeni

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  • Russian Premier: Russia To Activate Economic Cooperation With Armeni


    2008-02-06 13:40:00

    ArmInfo. Russia preserves status quo of the leading foreign economic
    partner of Armenia and is going to activate economic cooperation in
    future, Russian Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov which officially visited
    Armenia said at today's press-conference in Yerevan.

    He also added that the main attention during today's talks with
    Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisyan was drawn to development of
    the economic cooperation. The talks were the logical continuation
    of the recent meeting of Armenian and Russian premiers in Moscow,
    Zubkov said and added that bilateral commodity circulation between
    Russia and Armenia grew by 60% over the last two years. According
    to the results of 2006 commodity circulation was more than $700
    mln. "We think this is not an end and we shall soon reach $1 bln",-
    Russian premier said. Moreover, Russia has become the main foreign
    investor of Armenia and the volume of Russian investments in the
    Armenian economy is assessed in $1 bln. "This is a serious argument
    of our intentions to develop relations in the sphere of investments,
    taking into account the fact that joint investment programmes are
    successfully implemented and involve new branches", - he said. Zubkov
    called prospective the cooperation in the sphere of nuclear energy,
    diamonds production and telecommunications. He specially mentioned
    cooperation in the sphere of railway transport. "I am sure that
    organizing of a regular ferry crossing Kavkaz-Poti will directly
    enrich our trade and economic relations", - he said and added that
    the first lot of Armenian cement was successfully delivered to Russia
    and is a competitive product at the Russian market.

    Armenian cement, breakstone and other inert materials will have
    good prospects in connection with Olympic facilities construction
    in Sochi. He assured that strengthening of the Russian-Armenian
    relations will first of all give a social effect for the citizens of
    the two states.

    He also said that as a result of today's talks an agreement
    was signed on improvement of the bilateral trade regime and on
    development of cooperation in the sphere of information technologies
    and communication. Moreover, the parties exchanged notes on making
    of the inter-governmental agreement about Armenia's participation in
    the activity of international centre on uranium enrichment in Angarsk.

    For his part, Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisyan said that
    the transport problem still remains the main problem that hinders
    development of the trade and economic relations between Armenia and
    Russia. He thinks that the fact of passing of the Armenian railway
    to the Russian railways for concession management will much promote
    this problem resolving. "We are going to deepen our trade and economic
    relations more", - he said.