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Ter-Petrosian Rally Marred By Violence

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  • Ter-Petrosian Rally Marred By Violence

    By Emil Danielyan

    Radio Liberty, Czech Republic
    Feb 6 2008

    A group of government loyalists hurled stones at and scuffled with
    supporters of Levon Ter-Petrosian on Wednesday in an attempt to
    disrupt the former president's rally in Artashat, an Armenian town
    notorious for election-related violence against opposition activists.

    The incident, which heightened tension in the run-up to Armenia's
    presidential election, was condemned by Ter-Petrosian as a government
    "provocation" aimed at derailing his election campaign. Ter-Petrosian
    and his allies specifically laid the blame on Hovik Abrahamian, Prime
    Minister Serzh Sarkisian's influential deputy and campaign manager
    who holds sway in Artashat and surrounding villages. Law-enforcement
    authorities, however, denied this and came up with a totally different
    version of events.

    The normally reserved ex-president struggled to keep his cool as a
    dozen thugs tried to pick a fight with his activists after the latter
    led a female heckler away from a crowd of more than 1,000 people
    attending the rally. The youths went on to pelt rally organizers with
    pieces of ice and stones, one of them landing near Ter-Petrosian.

    Uniformed police officers, present at Ter-Petrosian's gatherings in
    neighboring villages, were not on hand to stop the violence.

    "Here is Serzh Sarkisian, here is Robert Kocharian, here is Hovik
    Abrahamian," Ter-Petrosian said as the ugly scene unfolded. "They are
    hooligans, thieves, gangsters who have plundered our country and want
    to infringe on the will of our people by means of such hooligans."

    "The masters of these hooligans, thieves, gangsters, and rats will
    flee Armenia on February 19," he added.

    The incident was still not over as the thugs attacked and beat the
    deputy chief of Ter-Petrosian's security service who guarded the
    opposition candidate's limousine parked nearby. "They were throwing
    stones at the people from here," Lieutenant-Colonel Sarkis Hovannisian
    told RFE/RL, pressing a handkerchief against his bruised cheek. "As
    soon as I tried to stop them they attacked me. There were seven or
    eight of them."

    Hovannisian, accompanied by Ter-Petrosian and other opposition leaders,
    visited the local police headquarters and gave testimony about the
    assault after the troubled rally. He was taken to hospital later in
    the day.

    As the situation escalated amid "Levon! Levon!" chants from the crowd,
    Alik Sargsian, the governor of the southern Ararat region, of which
    Artashat is the capital, emerged from his office overlooking the venue
    of the rally. "Mr. Governor, where are your police? Mr. Governor,
    you are not a governor, you are a hooligan," Ter-Petrosian shouted,
    demanding that Sargsian "rein in" the thugs and address the crowd.

    Sargsian, who is a former police officer, insisted that the violence
    was not provoked by the local authorities. "The entire region knows
    that the governor is not a hooligan, and the political force that will
    throw mud at me will have a serious problem and will suffer losses,
    moral losses," he said. "I have not seen any scuffles here."

    "You should have made sure that uniformed police had stood around the
    people here and protected all of us," Ter-Petrosian retorted angrily.

    "You failed to do that."

    "I will bear responsibility for any incident and am going to watch
    things from here. I know everyone here by face," responded the

    The Armenian police claimed later in the day Ter-Petrosian himself
    provoked the violence by making offensive remarks about "some
    officials." "Three participants of the rally demanded an end to
    unethical and offensive statements, in response to which four or
    five young men supporting the organizers of the event jostled, hit
    and toppled them to the ground, causing them physical injuries,"
    the police said in a statement. "Supporters of the victims resorted
    to retaliatory actions."

    The statement also claimed that the Artashat police stepped in
    and "quickly took the situation under control." "The identity of
    individuals involved in the incident has been ascertained and they
    have been detained," it added without elaborating.

    Artashat and wine-growing villages around it are widely seen as the
    de facto fiefdom of Abrahamian and his extended family, who own many
    local businesses as well as large swathes of agricultural land. The
    town located about 30 kilometers south of Yerevan has already been
    the scene of pre-election violent incidents in the past. The Armenian
    opposition blamed those incidents, including the stabbing in 2003
    of the campaign manager of an opposition presidential candidate, on
    Abrahamian. The influential minister denied any involvement, however.

    Abrahamian was on Wednesday one of the main targets of Ter-Petrosian's
    harsh verbal attacks on Armenia's leadership, with the ex-president
    repeatedly using the deputy prime minister's derogatory nickname,
    Muk (Mouse), in his speeches in Artashat and other regional towns
    and villages.

    "That provocation was a sign of the regime's wretchedness, misery
    and defeat," Ter-Petrosian told more than 200 people in Pokr Vedi,
    a village which he visited after Artashat. "Only a weak, wretched
    and miserable person can resort to such steps,"

    "If the authorities were sure that they will win [the February 19
    election,] they would not have resorted to such steps," said one of
    his top allies, Aram Sarkisian. "They already sense their imminent
    defeat. We will win before February 19."