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Northampton withdraws from ADL No Place for Hate Program

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  • Northampton withdraws from ADL No Place for Hate Program n-city-council-resolution.html

    October 4, 2007

    Upon the recommendation of Mayor
    Mary Clare Higgins

    WHEREAS, the Northampton City Council on September 21, 2000
    voted unanimously to endorse a mayoral proclamation's intent that the
    City, through its Human Rights Commission, become an active
    participant in the `No Place For Hate' Campaign; and

    WHEREAS, the Northampton Human Rights Commission joined in
    good faith with the sponsors of the `No Place For Hate' Campaign: the
    Anti-Defamation League® (ADL) and the Massachusetts Municipal
    Association, in order to take specific actions to combat bias and
    promote respect for people; and

    WHEREAS, the Northampton Human Rights Commission has
    investigated the situation whereby the Anti Defamation League®
    continues to deny the facts of the horrific Armenian Genocide. From
    1915 to 1923 the premeditated, systematic and deliberate murders of
    more that one and one half million Armenians occurred; and

    WHEREAS, the Armenian people continue to be deprived of the
    right to their history through the denial that this genocide ever took
    place; and

    WHEREAS, The City of Northampton must not continue its
    affiliation with such an organization as ADL that promotes such a
    grievous denial.


    That the City of Northampton hereby rescinds its partnership in the
    "No Place for Hate" Campaign co-sponsored by the Anti Defamation
    League®; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that although it withdraws from the
    aforementioned program, the City of Northampton hereby proclaims that
    it shall continue to celebrate its citizens' diversity and shall
    continue to honor its tradition of tolerance and respect for all
    people for which it has always been known.