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Third By Mistake And Alone By Fate

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  • Third By Mistake And Alone By Fate

    James Hakobyan

    Lragir, Armenia
    Feb 7 2008

    An interesting thing is observed about the campaign of the presidential
    candidate Serge Sargsyan. When the other main or influential candidates
    address people, a group of activists stand beside them who are usually
    referred to as the political team of the given candidate. The quality
    of those teams is another issue, of course, but it is a fact that
    they are there and they are behind the back of their candidate, in
    the direct sense of the word because only future will show how they
    back their candidate.

    In the case of Serge Sargsyan, at least judging by his televised
    images, behind his back is only his slogan "Go Armenia" and nothing
    else. Meanwhile, the Armenian TV channels would hardly spare
    nice images to cover Serge Sargsyan's campaign. In other words,
    if there were a team, it would be shown immediately. Consequently,
    either Serge Sargsyan's team is not worthwhile to show or there is
    no team at all. Many would consider the Republican Party, activists,
    leadership as a team. Meanwhile, amazingly the MIAK Party participates
    in Serge Sargsyan's campaign more assiduously and actively than the
    Republican Party. Moreover, the MIAK Party was honored to launch the
    campaign earlier, which is certainly a violation of the law but we
    know that it is the greatest honor for the government: the beloved
    is allowed to violate the law more.

    The fact that Serge Sargsyan dislikes the Republican Party became
    evident from the parliamentary campaign when the leader of the party
    held the campaign almost alone, at least no less lonely than his own
    presidential campaign. Maybe the presidential candidate is trying to
    appear to the public as non-partisan, therefore he is conducting an
    individual campaign, and calls for solidarity and consolidation of the
    nation's potential. However, since the same was in the parliamentary
    election which is a race of political parties, it is evidence that the
    problem is other. Serge Sargsyan is a realist and realizes that the
    personnel of the Republican Party are not fit for a campaign and for
    winning the support of the society. Therefore, perhaps, the choice
    was between worse and the worst, and it was decided that the prime
    minister will electioneer alone, having no one at the background.

    Not only does it keep away from people's eye the activists who cannot
    win any support and may even cause one's rating to fall, but also it
    will Serge Sargsyan freedom in the political developments after the
    election. In other words, if Levon Ter-Petrosyan says in case he is
    elected president, he will make appointments in accordance with the
    work they do, Serge Sargsyan prefers doing all the work alone. Not in
    order to appoint himself to all the posts later. Serge Sargsyan has
    enough posts in public administration, sports, science and education.

    The reason is that Serge Sargsyan realizes the importance of shaping a
    new political team after the presidential election because you cannot
    go too far with that "vehicle of the past", meanwhile Serge Sargsyan
    will hardly be satisfied with a single nomination for presidency. The
    year 2013 is still ahead, and a new team is needed to reach the
    destination. However, perhaps this awareness is not full because
    otherwise shaping a new team would have been considered before the
    election rather than after the election. Although it is also possible
    that Serge Sargsyan does not forbid his team from appearing behind
    him but the team avoids doing that.