[08:39 pm] 09 February, 2008
Today at 18:00 the deadline for submitting a
withdrawal of a candidature was completed. None of the
candidates withdrew his candidature and the Central
Electoral Commission has already prepared the sample
of the ballot paper, where 9 candidates are involved.
The printing of the ballot paper will begin after
mid-night at `Tigran Mets' printing house. Today the
CEC confirmed the sample of the ballot paper with 8
for, 0 against and 0 abstention votes. The CEC also
discussed the 5-th provision of the 1-st paragraph of
the Article 58 and Articles 55 and 56 of the RA
Electoral Code. They refer to the registration of the
voters, allowed behavior of the voter in the precinct
and the invalidity of ballot paper.
The CEC also discussed the 1-st paragraph of the
Article 78 of the RA Electoral Code, according to
which, those RA presidential candidates, who are state
employees or work at local self-governmental bodies,
are released from carrying out their job duties during
the elections.
[08:39 pm] 09 February, 2008
Today at 18:00 the deadline for submitting a
withdrawal of a candidature was completed. None of the
candidates withdrew his candidature and the Central
Electoral Commission has already prepared the sample
of the ballot paper, where 9 candidates are involved.
The printing of the ballot paper will begin after
mid-night at `Tigran Mets' printing house. Today the
CEC confirmed the sample of the ballot paper with 8
for, 0 against and 0 abstention votes. The CEC also
discussed the 5-th provision of the 1-st paragraph of
the Article 58 and Articles 55 and 56 of the RA
Electoral Code. They refer to the registration of the
voters, allowed behavior of the voter in the precinct
and the invalidity of ballot paper.
The CEC also discussed the 1-st paragraph of the
Article 78 of the RA Electoral Code, according to
which, those RA presidential candidates, who are state
employees or work at local self-governmental bodies,
are released from carrying out their job duties during
the elections.