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"No brain washing"

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  • "No brain washing"


    [08:36 pm] 07 February, 2008

    `Menq' youth movement organized a march in Yerevan
    streets with `No brain washing', `No H1', `Do not
    believe in H1' posters. They were holding a TV set,
    with the flags of 7 TV channels and with the logo of
    H1 and a big red cross on the screen of the TV set.

    The young people were annoyed by the distorted news
    broadcasted by all TV channels on the gathering
    organized by Levon Ter-Petrosyan in Artashat. `That is
    why we have decided to protect our rights. We demand
    and urge the TV channels to provide information coming
    out their consciences and present the reality and not
    to obey to the authorities' pressures', said Arthur
    Minasyan, representative of `Menq' movement

    According to the organizers of the action, all TV
    channels broadcast the news based on the mutual
    agreement with H1. During the action, the participants
    also disseminated Ter-Petrosyan's leaflets with `We
    will win', `Let's clean the stables from bandits', `We
    will taste the fruits of victory together on 19
    February' slogans.

    The participants of the march stopped in the Liberty
    Square, where they broke the TV set in the eyes of
    passers-by. This action symbolized distorted
    information, which did not promote the establishment
    of civil society and the constitutional order.