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Inconsistency: Authorities and opposition change their opinion

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  • Inconsistency: Authorities and opposition change their opinion

    Aravot, Armenia
    Feb 6 2008

    Inconsistency: Authorities and opposition change their opinion

    by editor-in-chief Aram Abrahamyan

    Until recently authorities have considered [leader of the Orinats
    Yerkir party and presidential candidate] ArturBaghdasaryan not a bad
    lad and directed all their hatred and spite against the first
    Armenian president [andpresidential candidate] Levon Ter-Petrosyan.
    Accidentally, something is not quite clear here: if the
    governmentcandidate's rating is 55 per cent [according to opinion
    polls], and Ter-Petrosyan's one - 5 per cent, thelatter can be
    completely forgotten and his statements may not be paid attention to.
    However, either the opinion pollsare not trustworthy, or the first
    president's criticism reaches the target and hits hard our
    bureaucrats'gentle hearts.

    But as soon as it became known that Ter-Petrosyan and Baghdasaryan
    may unite, and the Orinats Yerkir party has beenmanaging to conduct
    mass rallies, it turned out that the Orinats Yerkir party leader is
    not that good. Out of the river of smear aimed at the first
    president, a "small spring" was directed at Mr Baghdasaryan. One
    more"spring" will run in [leader of the Heritage party and
    presidential candidate] Raffi Hovhannisyan'sdirection.

    Politics, needless to say, is a cruel thing, and the pre-election
    period particularly is not a time for niceties -politicians spare
    neither one another's, nor our[listeners] ears. But politics is not
    only a cruel thing, butversatile as well. When Artur Baghdasaryan
    acted alone and took away votes from Levon [Ter-Petrosyan], he was
    good. Now Baghdasaryan has turned into a bad guy. Likewise, two years
    ago [leader of the National Unity party and presidentialcandidate]
    Artashes Geghamyan was a politician not favoured by authorities, but
    now he is considered a constructiveopposition politician, as he
    directed all his talent on Ter-Petrosyan's criticism. Here is a
    conclusion: the first president is the only stable source of
    potential danger for these authorities.