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Only Public [TV] and Kentron [TV] are biased

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  • Only Public [TV] and Kentron [TV] are biased

    Azg, Armenia
    Feb 7 2008

    Only Public [TV] andKentron [TV] are biased

    by Ruzan Poghosyan

    The Yerevan Press Club has renewed pre-election monitoring of the
    media from 21 January with support of the TIMresearch centre and Open
    Society Institute. The monitoring was carried out in eight
    broadcasting media outlets - H1[Public TV], H2 [Second TV Channel],
    ALM, Armenia TV, Yerkir Media, Kentron, Shant TV and Public Radio of

    The chairman of the Yerevan Press Club, Boris Navasardyan, yesterday
    [6 February] in the Urbat discussion clubpresented the results of the
    monitoring carried out between 21-30 January. First, he noted at this
    stage thebroadcasters have been demonstrating that they start paying
    more attention to giving equal air time to coverage ofpresidential
    candidates' campaigns as against the previous monitoring period in
    October-December 2007. The leaderof the National Solidarity Party,
    Aram Harutyunyan, was paid the least attention - 12,720 seconds, and
    the name of PrimeMinister Serzh Sargsyan was mentioned more than all
    - 29,442 seconds.

    There was regular reporting about candidates during the first ten
    days of the campaign - a total of 425 reports aboutSerzh Sargsyan,
    and fewer reports about [former aide to the president of the
    unrecognized Nagornyy Karabakh republic]Arman Melikyan - 133. On the
    other hand, the monitoring showed that if coverage of Sargsyan's
    official activitieswas given separately from coverage of his election
    campaign, then he will yield his leading position to the
    presidentialcandidate from the Armenian Revolutionary
    Federation-Dashnaktsutyun, Vahan Hovhannesyan, and will have an
    insignificant advantage over [leader of the People's Party] Tigran

    As one may suppose, H1 and H2 were in the lead in covering Serzh
    Sargsyan's campaign, while Vahan Hovhannesyanwas in the lead on
    Yerkir Media, Armenia TV and Shant TV. Kentron TV was the one to
    provide the longest airtime forcoverage of [first Armenian president
    Levon] Ter-Petrosyan, of course criticism was aired. It is clear that
    ALM ownerTigran Karapetyan should have found himself in glorious
    conditions - coverage of his activities exceeded by 1.5 timesthat of
    his opponents.

    Apart from unequal distribution of air time, experts have noted that
    reports about Serzh Sargsyan are exclusivelypositive, whereas those
    about Ter-Petrosyan - exclusively negative. Out of 99 reports about
    the prime minister onlythree were negative, and nothing positive was
    said about Ter-Petrosyan - all 72 reports were negative. A biased
    attitudewas shown on Public TV and the programme "What Newspapers
    Write" on Kentron TV. Incidentally, negative remarkson Ter-Petrosyan
    were made mainly by political figures, in particular the leader of
    the National Unity Party [andpresidential candidate] Artashes

    Public Radio and H2 were noted for more or less balanced coverage
    within the last 10 days presenting seven out ofnine presidential
    candidates from exclusively neutral positions. Armenia and Shant TV
    are not lagging behind them.

    Summarizing the results of this stage of the monitoring, experts of
    the Yerevan Press Club note that the Armenianbroadcasting media are
    entirely capable of covering the election campaign in line with
    international standards.
