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BAKU: European official to discuss Azeri-Armenian dialogue on NK

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  • BAKU: European official to discuss Azeri-Armenian dialogue on NK

    Azad Azarbaycan TV, Azerbaijan
    Feb 8 2008


    [Presenter] Head of the PACE subcommittee on Nagornyy Karabakh Lord
    Russell Johnston is visiting Azerbaijan. As part of the visit, the
    head of the subcommittee will meet numerous officials and leaders of
    political parties and hold anexchange of opinions on a dialogue to be
    held between the Azerbaijani and Armenian MPs.

    [Correspondent over video of Johnston at Baku airport] The purpose of
    the visit is to investigate the dialogue overthe Nagornyy Karabakh
    conflict conducted between the Azerbaijani and Armenian MPs.
    Johnston, who arrived in on anofficial visit to Azerbaijan last
    night, said so. The European guest said that he intends to discuss
    this issue with thepresident, parliament speaker and leaders of
    numerous political parties.

    [Johnston speaking to microphone in English with Azeri voice-over]
    The purpose of my visit is to investigate thedialogue conducted with
    the Armenia and its MPs over the Karabakh problem [as heard]. I am to
    meet President IlhamAliyev, the parliament speaker and heads of
    political parties in the country to this end.

    The head of the subcommittee did not rule out that the body may hold
    a conference on the conflict settlement the inthe near future.

    [Johnston] Our aim is not to resolve the conflict, but simply create
    healthy atmosphere for its settlement. Aconference on the conflict
    resolution may be held in Strasbourg in April with the participation
    of the two sides toensure that the dialogue takes place.

    [Presenter] Asked about the possibility of visits by members of the
    subcommittee to Karabakh, Johnston answered very briefly. I do not
    think so, end of quote.

    [In a separate report of the same newscast, ANS said that Johnston
    was received by Speaker Oqtay Asadov today. The TVquoted Asadov as
    saying that "trust of the Azerbaijani people and representatives of
    the young generation in thepeaceful resolution of the conflict
    reduces from day to day". Asadov reportedly urged PACE to exert
    pressure onArmenia. He regretted that PACE resolution on Karabakh had
    not yet been implemented; at 0924 gmt 8 Feb APA quoted thathead of
    the Hope Party, MP Iqbal Agazada, as saying after the meeting with
    the European official that "I felt that Johnston does not have enough
    information about the Karabakh conflict since he approaches the
    problem from thestandpoint of self-determination principle"]