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Ter-Petrosian goes to court over election campaign "obstacles"

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  • Ter-Petrosian goes to court over election campaign "obstacles"

    Interfax, Russia
    Russia & CIS General Newswire
    February 8, 2008 Friday 9:31 PM MSK

    Ter-Petrosian goes to court over election campaign "obstacles"

    YEREVAN Feb 8

    Former Armenian President Levon Ter- Petrosian, who is running in the
    current election, has filed a suit with the Constitutional Court
    complaining about what he called "obstacles" as a result of which "it
    is becoming impossible" for him to seek the office of president, the
    court said on Friday.

    For three months running, the Hailur (Armenian News) program on
    Armenian Public Television has been showing footage criticizing Ter-
    Petrosian, thereby violating the Election Code and the law on
    television and radio, a report by the court cited the ex-president as
    saying in his court documents.

    Ter-Petrosian, the first president of post-Soviet Armenia, also
    complained that he had been given inconvenient television campaign
    time that, among other things, prevented him from responding to the
    Hailur footage.

    "The plaintiff asks the Constitutional Court to declare the obstacles
    that have arisen before L. Ter-Petrosian insurmountable," the report

    The court expects to hear the suit on Monday.

    The constitution prescribes putting off a presidential election for
    two weeks if a candidate comes up against campaign obstacles that are
    formally declared insurmountable. If the obstacles are not removed
    within these two weeks, a new election is to be held on the 40th day
    after the two-week period.

    Meanwhile, Ter-Petrosian's campaign office issued a statement
    claiming that a Hailur issue aired on Friday had deliberately
    misinterpreted Ter-Petrosian's suit as a way of withdrawing his

    "We state officially that Levon Ter-Petrosian, far from having any
    intention to stop his fight against the gangster regime, will pursue
    this mission with redoubled energy and carry it to a victorious end,"
    the office said in a press release.

    "All statements to [the contrary] are aimed at misleading the public
    and their authors will be prosecuted," it warned.